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Look who’s getting total consciousness

"So I jump ship in Africa and I make my way over to Madikwe and I get on as a looper at a course over at Pride Rock …"

That is your erstwhile football coach, Rich Rodriguez, on the right. He was indeed a caddy Monday at the Greenbrier Classic’s Pro-Am on The Old White for his good friend, WVU supporter and construction magnate, Dave Alvarez.

You’re going to have fun with this, I’m sure, but first I have to say: I’m starting to like this Rodriguez.

For starters, he’s not that Rodriguez. This sounds and acts like a different guy at a different time. He’s said things to try to make us think that and now he’s doing things to make us think that. Intentionally? Maybe. I don’t know. I’m not even sure I care. All I know is we all like to watch a comeback and see if it works or flops.

This is at least interesting. Go through what he went through and there are right and wrong ways to recuperate. Rodriguez isn’t hiding. He’s out there. He’s owning it and working it. He’s got a job and he has assignments to work on, but that didn’t keep him from popping up at a pretty visible event, where he knew he’d be a spectacle, but where he thought he’d have fun. 

OK, he always liked center stage. Sometimes he angled for it. But there? I wonder if he really wanted to talk about what everyone else would want to talk about. Maybe he just wanted to go and have fun with a friend. He seems to know everything everyone has said or thought about him and he’s playing right along. “I’ll probably get fired after about six holes.”