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Lots and lots of money coming into WVU

Two summers ago, the WVU Foundation enacted some deep and unpopular cuts that affected 65 of the 82 full-time employees in order to save a little less than a quarter million dollars — no, seriously — as the sullen state of the economy took a menacing grip on the university’s donations and investments. Some people — I never quite understood, who were the Unaffected 17? — were made to make some sacrifices. Other modifications would salvage another million or so dollar. Necessary evil, I suppose.

With that in mind, today the Foundation reports a record of its own.

Alumni and friends of WVU contributed a record $96.3 million in cash, pledges and in-kind gifts in the most recent fiscal year, according to a news release from WVU.

The gifts span the entire life of the University, from academics and athletics to research and medicine, enabling the WVU Foundation to contribute record amounts to the University.

The total for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011 surpasses the previous record of $86 million contributed to the WVU Foundation in 2007 fiscal year. Last year’s total was $80 million.

I can only imagine the reaction to this news. So … questions, please?