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NCAA accepts WVU’s self-imposed penalties

Two years probation, loss of two scholarships this year and one next year, some reductions in participation time and restrictions in staffing and recruiting. Certainly not the most ideal outcome, but there’s no postseason or television ban.

Athletic director Oliver Luck said in a statement:

WVU is in receipt of the NCAA’s final report of an investigation into violations committed from 2005-2009 related to participation and monitoring of noncoaching staff members in drill and meeting activities reserved for countable coaches within our football program.  We appreciate the hard work the Committee and the NCAA staff put into this process, particularly moving cooperatively to the summary disposition process.

I am pleased that the Committee accepted the self-imposed penalties the University proposed, without imposing any additional ones. The University has already taken corrective action and put new systems in place to address all the issues raised.

It is also important to note that probation does not affect our bowl eligibility or ability to compete for conference or national championships. It does, however, require annual reports over a two-year period, which we will complete.

We have taken this case very seriously from the beginning and, as we’ve said, will move forward with a complete commitment to compliance in all that we do. We now look forward to an exciting football season and putting this process behind us.