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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which plans to be around on a more regular basis now. What is it, three out of four weeks without the longest running regular feature in a West Virginia newspaper sports blog? Four out of five? Something like that. It’s been a weird summer, to say the least … and, technically, the summer is just 11 days old.  You think about that.

Why mess around today? Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, get it right the first time.

NCMountaineer said:

I’m sorry, Mike makes a compelling argument, but I just don’t buy it. WVU should NEVER play neutral site games against FCS opponents, regardless of who it is.

Not a fan of Mr. Luck at the moment. He’s done a lot to sour my opinion of him and his leadership over the past couple of months.

Whoa! That bad? No convincing you this is a good idea? I’ll give you this: There’s collateral damage, either personal or institutional, that’ll have to be dealt with when this happens. Do the affected care? I don’t think so. Not too much, at least. It’s understood when making such a decision.

SheikYbuti said:

I’ll bet they serve beer at FedEx Field (but maybe not for the BYU game).

No, I bet they sell it there, too. If they don’t sell beer, they can’t sell anything with caffeine, either, right?

Drew said:

Can you imagine the history lessons Stew would have woven into playing James Madison in Washington, DC?

Between the War of 1812 and the Bill of Rights, we would have had to go to Montpelier for a sidebar.

Bill said:

I’m all for the idea of neutral games….as long as there is some sizzle to the match up. Its great that the money is good and all….but if we are unlikely to sell out (or show up) at Mountaineer Field against JMU….why would we do it in Washington DC? Does JMU travel well? Are they going to come in droves to watch this beat down? It would have been cool to play the Twerps there…..or the Turkeys…or any other FBS team. I just don’t want our long term opportunities for such games hindered because the product on the field and the attendance is not compelling.

I think WVU fans will travel there and I think JMU thinks JMU fans will travel there. Why? Both schools have a sizable base in the metro D.C. area. The WVU fans there mostly won’t be the WVU fans here. It’s a different occasion and, thus, a different audience. JMU fans don’t get to see games like this, either. If this is indeed a neutral game, it’s different for the JMU fans in that it’s not in Morgantown or Blacksburg. And, to be honest, the quality of play doesn’t matter as much as the quantity in the stands. If the teams put up a big number, WVU leaves with a fine reputation. In fact, I really think the game isn’t all that important in the big picture.

SheikYbuti said:

And it won’t just be the game itself. If it’s done correctly, all the promotion, events, and media coverage leading up to the game should give us a substantial boost in the area. By contrast, playing the game in Morgantown would amount to about four column inches in the Washington Post and a local TV mention right before the “man bites dog” human interest story.

It’s a weekend-long event for WVU. The game matters in a W/L sense, but there’s a lot before and after that makes up part of this plan.

JBarker said:

As a season ticket holder who drives 6+ hours to each game I am not upset that I don’t have to make plans to go watch another FCS team. I think it is a great move as long as we make the same amount of $$.

Good point on the quality of the opponent/occasion. And as for the money, I’m amused people just automatically assume WVU didn’t think this part through. That $2 million figure is for an optimal crowd and opponent. That’s not happening with JMU or another FCS opponent.

Mack said:

If this game were played in Morgantown, it would be in front of a dead crowd. In Washington, it still may be, but there’s a chance that some will just be stoked to watch the Mountaineers in a different location. I’d say this works out. It’s not good or bad, it’s just different.

If WVU maintains a big presence in D.C., that can only be good, right? With Randy Edsall at Maryland for the foreseeable future, there is definitely an opening in the “fan favorite” department in Washington.

Exactly. And WVU plays host to Maryland in 2012 and maybe the week after the JMU game. A visit there this  year, one to Landover next year and then back to College Park in 2013 and there’s a footprint in a very important area. I really wish people would give this a long-term look.

Jeff in Akron said:

I like the idea that the game will probably be on one of the networks/internet tv sites. Typically, for out of state fans, it is hard to get to watch the FCS matchups. Plus, WVU makes some money in the process.

Back in the day, WVU had to worry about strength of schedule to have any chance of contending. Today, they are a member of an auto-qualify conference, making strength of schedule not nearly as relevent. As long as they win the BE there is a bigger pot at the end of the rainbow.

Am I the only one that sees a “Mullet Man” article on the horizon? Something along the lines of Luck refusing to agree to play Marshall at FedEx field, or Luck going behind Marshall’s back to keep them out of contention.

I can’t say anything for sure about television yet, but it might be wise to give the people a chance to see the game if that game is going to be taken hours up the road. As for the imminent column you referred to, there was never any doubt. Nor was there disappointment. Yet if you’re Marshall and you cling to your beliefs and your philosophy, it has to bug you a little, right?

hershy112 said:

I think an important aspect of this, as well, is recruiting as Mike touched on briefly. Think about this. Strong recruiting in Texas and Florida, but all of the offensive assistants that recruited the DC area well are gone. I don’t think Luck scheduling a game there the year after those assistants departed, forced or not, is a coincidence.

Yeah, and don’t look now, but the new guys are doing pretty well there.

Drew said:

I know one thing. I am not traveling to DC to watch a tune up game against JMU or any other FCS team.

I wouldn’t for a low level FBS scrub team either.

If I’m going to travel to a neutral site game it will only be for a marquee opponent who I wouldn’t get to see WVU play in Morgantown. Otherwise it’s really not worth the money. I like going to road games for the different college atmospheres. I just don’t find this appealing at all as a fan. I get the financial aspect – except that it seems to maybe be as profitable as a home game would definitely be. Games against FCS teams are glorified practices no matter how you try to church it up.

Well, these FCS games are a little more of a gamble than they were even five years ago. As for not going, I think you bring up a great point: If you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it. There are a lot of people up in arms about this. They’ll quite likely do nothing about it. Season ticket sales will still be high. Many will still go to the game. There won’t be any appreciable side effect to this decision. And, no, I’m not endorsing it. I just don’t anticipate it. At all. I feel bad for the people who love their seven Saturdays (or Thursdays or Fridays or Sundays). I really do. But I don’t have much time for the people complaining about this who will then go to the game and play right into the trap they vowed to avoid.

Karl said:

I’d be disappointed about this if I were a stadium worker or a local business owner.

Absolutely. But I don’t think that’s a deal-breaker here. I don’t know of a better way to say this and I wish there was a more fair way to say this, but when you have big goals, you have a smaller conscience.

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:

Folks that are going to this game…be prepared to pay $50 or higher for parking AND you still will have the pleasure of a long walk to FedEx. By the end of the day, you may very well be FedUp when you see the prices for food and beverages! Dan Snyder is a gouger! Ask me about traffic control after the game! Ask me about traffic control after the game! There is NONE! You think about that!

Metro. Blue Line. Morgan Boulevard. And then a hike. Sorry.

NCMountaineer said:

We are playing a game against a nobody in an area that we already do very well in. If it was like the scenario that Mike mentioned above – an opportunity to break into non-traditional recruiting ground – I could buy it. But this isn’t it. This game has been set up to try to save some money. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. To me, some things (reputation) are more important than saving some money. Sorry guys, but I just can’t get on board with this one. I don’t want to drag it out though.

Agree to disagree?

I don’t disagree. I think you make a really good point about the location and the functionality. I just think this sort of arrangement is something you’re going to see more and more around college football in the next several years and I’m willing to give WVU a chance to make it work. I also happen to think it will work. The logic doesn’t fit snugly, as you suggest, but it’s at least a first step toward playing in … Houston or Miami or somewhere seemingly more useful. (By the way, the deal is still ready for the signing. One side has the final say here. The other two at the table have approved.)

The 25314 said:

Sam Huff can not be happy that Oliver Luck will be using his stadium.

This is true. I hope Kelli Cunningham makes the trip and asks for Sam Huff’s autograph. Top five three moment, in my opinion.

Dave said:

Schools should follow the Ohio State model.

Recently, there was an investigation into car deals for players. OSU called off their investigation because the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles was going to investigate. Amazingly, the BMV found no improprieties related to NCAA violations because, well, it’s out of their scope.

Ohio State then announced that because the BMV did not find evidence of NCAA-related violations (please ignore the small detail that they were not looking for NCAA-related issues), OSU decided not to investigate further because … well, nothing to see here.

If every school would just follow the model … Tressel didn’t know about YSU, Troy Smith, Maurice Clarett or that half the parking lot was filled with luxury vehicles of the players … well, he did know, but he “didn’t” (sic) … and the school does a drive-by investigation … then we wouldn’t be bothered with this compliance nonsense.

Seriously, UNC is supposed to monitor twitter and yet Calipari, who put two programs on probation, gets a $35mil contract extension and still has a job in the NCAA?

I don’t know where you’d even begin if you were trying to “fix” the NCAA, but I think I’d pay a lot of attention to what people are writing and saying right now. So much of it seems so easy to spot. The scope is so large, though, that new problems appear and evolve while older ones are eradicated.

philip said:

i’d like to call dibs for the new wvu staff position of twitter monitor. on the other hand, i could probably make more on a consultancy basis.


The 25314 said:

From the 04-05 season through the 11-12 season, WVU will have only played Syracuse in Morgantown TWICE.  That’s 2 times.  Two.  (That’s across 8 seasons for those of you scoring at home.)

I don’t get it at all. And WVU has lost nine in a row against the Orange at the Dome. At least the weather will be nice …

pknocker40 said:

“Be…sure…to…drink…your…Oral Roberts?” would have fit *differently* than Kent State.

Slightly, yes.

midwestwvufan said:

I hear that Hinds didn’t qualify.

I heard that, too, before I looked into it. He’s been taking care of business back home and looks to have cleared whatever hurdles were in his way. I think he’ll be here either late this month or in August. Not sure if, or how, that affects the Europe trip.

pknocker40 said:

I’m cool with it so long as Calhoun adopts a distinctive fashion item to replace Hahn’s black turtleneck. I’m thinking eyepatch – it would be intimidating to opponents as well as a great ice-breaker to recruits.

What time is it?

Spatial Angel said:

I’m assuming the turtleneck will still have a seat on the bench.

That it will. He essentially swapped spots with Calhoun.

glibglub said:

Alan Greenspan tried to warn us about this exuberance stuff.

True, but this is rational exuberance. Calhoun has the Rolodex for the job. His ties in Ohio are pretty solid, but I don’t think he’s limited to that area whatsoever.

Josh 24601 said:

Prove Mr. Hertzel is not in that freeze-frame actively imagining how GLORIOUS it would be for a urinal to be located in just that spot on the wall.

I can’t. I just can’t.

SheilYbuti said:

Is Hertzel the first writer ever on the defensive side to win the Heisman?

He’s the Charles Woodsen of this era — grabs the headlines when he’s on the offensive.

overtheSEC said:

To quote Oll Stew “Pat White is the greatest winner in college football today”
That settles it, yes? #1?

Unlikely. I always wondered how Tim Tebow felt when he heard or read that … provided it ever passed through the B.S. (what am I abbreviating?!?!) filter and made it to his hands. Must be what I feel like when Joe Schad is credited for breaking a story that broke hours earlier. Lots of palms facing upward, head looking around the room and sighing.

rekterx said:

Patrick White got splashed in the NFL. Does this mean he is disqualified from the list?

Almost that time …

SheikYbuti said:

I am always in the minority when this issue arises (perhaps because of my relatively advanced age), but, in Bentsen terms, I consider Major Harris:Ted Kennedy as Pat White:Dan Quayle.

That’s — wait …

glibglub said:

That’s uncalled for, Senator. Pat White can too spell potato.

That is totally called for.

overtheSEC said:

I’m surprised the ASPCA allowed Pat White to get a puppy after all those years he spent abusing Huskies.

Enjoy the holiday weekend!