The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Writer wins Heisman, speaks of the future

Bob Hertzel (background) might not like the idea of WVU selling out its fans and robbing the town of a home game — “a severe intrusion on their time and convenience, although that no longer is a matter of consequence with WVU sports, which has not even tried to disguise its outright push to maximize finances — its own, not its fans.” — but does seem to believe this is perhaps the first step in a march toward an enhan larger stage.

The other day, during an interview with new football coach Dana Holgorsen, who is part of this panoramic picture of the future of college football and WVU’s place in it that Luck is creating, the new coach said “status quo doesn’t win championships.”

Indeed, change has begun, and it figures to accelerate as Luck wins over public support for his vision. He already seems to have convinced most of the top donors to fall in line, but it can’t be done without popular support from the grass roots.

The eventual motive may be to show WVU can play in the ACC or even an expanded Big 12 or some other super conference structure that almost certainly will emerge out of the turmoil in big-time college football today.