The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Dana Holgorsen turns 40 tomorrow

And we could have a lot of fun with the obvious Mike Gundy/”I’m a man!” meme. Yet we’ll do something different.

West Virginia’s 33rd head football coach had his first official press conference Friday and — while avoiding “The Lion King” and rear view mirrors — stiff-armed the urge to dig up the recent past and instead applied pedal to metal in speaking about the future.

“If you’re staying the same, you’re getting passed,” he said. “If we want to position ourselves for when conference realignment does happen, being an elite school in the Big East, we need to keep improving.”

Holgorsen spent the previous 11 years in Oklahoma and Texas, beginning with Texas Tech and continuing on to Houston and then Oklahoma State. He saw what hundreds of millions of dollars did for facilities at Texas Tech and Oklahoma State.

He won’t compare them to WVU, but he said WVU has a duty to strive for the same or accept the consequences.

“TCU is coming into the Big East and TCU has done its best to keep up with what is happening in the Southwest,” he said. “If we want to get into Texas and recruit kids, that’s what we’re dealing with.

“We have to make big changes on the horizon and we need to do small stuff here from a functional standpoint so our players get the most out of what their day-to-day activities are.”

The topic, of course, is facilities and additions and enhancements. This was something Bill Stewart almost never spoke about and something Rich Rodriguez almost never missed an opportunity to discuss.

So suppose you just received an invitation to Holgorsen’s 40th birthday party. It’s short notice, but who knew we’d be here today? You simply have to go and you have the means necessary to give Holgorsen something significant for the so called “big picture.” Maybe it’s something you believe he needs or something you want him to have. Maybe it’s something another school has or maybe it’s something no one else has.

Whatever the case, your something is something that’s going to undoubtedly make the program, the stadium, the team headquarters or the entire WVU football experience better.

Maybe it’s a coat of paint for the walls inside the stadium. Maybe it’s the extra 30 yards in the practice facility. Maybe you have a list in your mind and I just took two of the most obvious ones off the top.

They’re wrapping up “Happy Birthday” and Dana is eyeballing that extravagantly wrappped gift you put on the table in the corner. You have a chance to help him celebrate the “over the hill” occasion by letting him unwrap something that will get WVU over the hump. What’s inside?