The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Updates on unknown things

– Anyone who is asked to respond to a Freedom of Information Act request has five business days to supply the information or ask for an extension.

WVU has been asked by a long list of media entities for whatever it is that the school and Bill Stewart signed last Friday. Requests were filed and fielded Monday. Tuesday was the first day of the five-day cycle. Saturday and Sunday don’t count because they aren’t business days. That means WVU could release the signed agreement Monday.

– I’m still getting word from people who deal with these things regularly that the two sides quite likely carefully arranged something to keep one from taking down the other in public. That said, the paperwork should contain all the dollars and sense involved in ending the WVU-Stewart relationship.

– Through tireless effort to pursue and secure the truth, we now believe the Mysterious Mid-Major Opponent for the 2011-12 basketball season is Kent State. We’ve thought this for a little while, but with less conviction than we possess right now.