The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Live from the Board of Governors meeting

The executive session was scheduled to go from 9-10 a.m. but is running over … and with reason. Plenty to discuss around and relative to WVU today. There’s a weighty agenda as well, including votes on a research trust, the tuition and fees and the 2012 budget. WVU passed the tuition and fee hike as well as the fiscal year 2012 budget, which includes pay raises.

The main event will begin shortly, I assume, but the indications I’ve received suggest the beer sale proposal will pass with ease. Oliver Luck is here and sipping on non-alcoholic refreshments as he casually kills time before his presentation. A projector screen has been lowered, so I have to imagine we’ll have some sort of a video or visual display. I’m geeked.

A vote will follow Luck’s presentation and the BoG’s Q&A and Luck will speak with the media soon thereafter.

10:34 am: The Board members are in the room now and have taken their seats. Camera people adjusted their positions to get a better view of the podium and the table of Board members … and obstructed the views of others. They were quizzed on their decision to move and one guy actually said, “Honestly, I’m only going to be here for three minutes.”

10:37: Among the assembled media: Me,,, the Associated Press, Charleston Gazette, Dominion Post and the television stations. There’s a legitimate worry among Board members the educational and fiscal news will be buried.

10:38 am: Luck brought the big guns — three law enforcement officials who will speak after he is finished. Also has “six or seven slides.”

10:40: Luck said people leaving at halftime was not only “extreme pressure” on the security who had to allow the people to re-enter. He also called it “disrespect to the greatest marching band in the country.”

10:50: Brief review: Sales will be cut off in the middle of the third quarter. Two beer max per purchase. Mandatory ID checks. Plastic bottles — and Luck specifically said this was to prevent spills because people who wrote in during the comment period expressed concern about people spilling if beer were poured into cups. Also, no beer sales in the student section and no one moving through the stands selling beer.

10:53: Luck said in 2010 WVU had a per capita (per capita spent per fan per game at the stadium) of $4.21. A peer institution that sells beer (I believe it to be UConn) has a per capita of $12.30. Luck approximated $500,000 “and probably more” which would go to the athletic department to address necessities. Luck mentioned working on the concourse area (big for the “no smoking” provision) as well as the restrooms (sneaky important for the beer sales). “This gives us an opportunity to upgrade what really is a great home stadium with a great atmosphere,” Luck said.

10:59: Pretty specific questions addressing personal and popular concerns from the BoG, particularly with regard to to behavior and consequences inside and outside the stadium. Also, Bob Roberts, the WVU police chief, is a great asset for Luck today. Nailing good points to answer questions. No offense to Luck, but these replies are better coming from Roberts.

11:01: Good news for Texts From Game Day! Someone asked, with regard to the security-themed intrastadium texting, if WVU was aware of the trouble sending texts at Mountaineer Field. Luck replied, “We’re literally right now laying and adding cable to Mountaineer Field and to the Coliseum. We all recognize you can’t get a signal there and that’s not good when you’re trying to meet up with meet up people.”

11:03: Luck was asked  if the ACC and SEC sell beer — “No, sir,” he replied — and if alcohol was sold at Notre Dame home games. Luck was puzzled and not sure. He was then asked if WVU would be pursuing this if WVU didn’t stand to make the $500,000. “Yes.” He cited discussions with UConn in which their people said it was the right thing to do for behavior, even absent the revenue.

11:05: Bob Roberts is winning the day. He just said he’s been doing this 26 years and “we need to teach people how to go to these events and how to behave,” and said, “I’m an evolutionist, not a revolutionist.”

11:10: Presentation is done. Luck spoke for eight minutes. He was then quizzed for 24.

11:11: Policy passes, 9-4.

11:29: Vote is actually 10-5 … after it was 8-5 … after it was 9-4. Whatever the case, it passed. The five against: James Dailey, Will Wilmoth, Diane  Lewis, Ed Robinson and Chris Lewallen. Charles Vest and Ray Lane were not in attendance. You can find the 10 who were for it by process of elimination right here.