The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

What do we discuss today?

There are probably only a few hours left in the WVU baseball season because the lads obviously don’t read my work lost to Seton Hall yesterday in the double elimination Big East Tournament. Today it’s Notre Dame and that rarely turns out well when the Mountaineers need it to.

Or is the topic WVU’s storm-chasing track and field performers who are about to participate in the NCAA regionals?

I can say with relative certainty my biggest worry will not come true and the much anticipated next page of WVU’s drama with the NCAA case will not be written this weekend. Oliver Luck will be out of town and a few athletic department officials who have big plans this weekend are privately relieved they won’t be interrupted.

I’m tapped out from the past few days and woefully behind on personal and domestic things I need to do … and I still have a full day or work and chasing to do today.

I also imagine the discussion will continue to center on Dana Holgorsen getting run from the dog track in the Cross Lanes crisscross.

Fine, and I still think the prevailing matter is what happened inside the place that prompted the security to call police. I understand the Nitro PD said it was a generic and uneventful call, but that’s once they were dispatched to and arrived at the scene. Security, quick triggers or no quick triggers, doesn’t blithely call police. There was a cause and I continue to hear the past 36 hours this perhaps wasn’t entirely Holgorsen’s fault. Some want names named to identify who was with Holgorsen so others are implicated for contributing to this episode, but that’s not happening here and do understand they might have done some good work, too.

Now, what was Holgorsen’s fault? This: All hail the Big East casino, which is kind of brilliant.

Finally, three words: Gambler. Parody. Please.

(P.S. Regarding yesterday’s radio shenanigans, the producer and the co-host separately spoke to me Wednesday afternoon to make that situation better — and before statements from Oliver Luck and Dana Holgorsen and a press release from Nitro PD cemented this alleged non-alleged incident did occur. I need to mention that because I appreciate that. I should have said this earlier, but I was busy at my five-days-a-week newspaper job.)

And here is your Gambler parody … which was written before I asked and not at my encouragement.

In honor of the recent Holgorsen incident a song parody from The City of Morgantown, sung to the tune of “The Gambler”

On a warm mid-May evenin’, at the Mardi Gras Casino
I met up with a guy who had Phil Collins’ physique.
So we played blackjack till midnight while we drank our Ketel Red Bulls.
When the buzz it overtook us, he began to speak.

He said, “Son, I’ve lived my life, not caring for others’ opinions.
And if you look at my haircut, that comes as no surprise.
But I’ve had my share of successes, and I’ve been to lots of places,
For a taste of your Red Bull, I’ll give you some advice.”

So I handed him my Red Bull, and he drank down my last swallow.
Then he flagged down a waitress and ordered another can.
And the night got deathly quiet, and his face lost all expression.
He said, “If you’re gonna play the game, boy, you gotta have a solid plan.

You’ve got to know when to Holg ‘em, know when to fold ‘em
Know when to pass it deep, and occasion-ally run.
You never settle for field goals when you’re sittin’ in the red zone.
There’ll be time enough for field goals, if you save a timeout, son.

Every OC knows that the secret to survivin’
Is putting up lots of points upon that big fancy scoreboard.
‘Cause thirty points is nice and forty’s even better
And if your D’s halfway decent, you shouldn’t get outscored”

And when he finished speakin’, he got up from the table,
And later on that night, I hear he threw quite of a fit.
He got escorted out the building, and his boss sure wasn’t happy.
But I don’t care too much about that, as long as he beats Pitt.

You’ve got to know when to Holg ‘em, know when to fold ‘em
Know when to pass it deep, and occasion-ally run.
You never settle for field goals when you’re sittin’ in the red zone.
There’ll be time enough for field goals, if you save a timeout, son.