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The latest round of APR scores, if you need it

Good news? WVU will receive no scholarship restrictions based on academic performance from 2006-2010. The bad news? That’s a trick question. There really is none.

Out of all the teams in all the sports in the NCAA only eight teams face the postseason ban for poor academics: Men’s basketball teams at Cal-State Northridge, Chicago State, Grambling, Southern University, Baton Rouge and Louisiana-Monroe; football teams at Idaho State, Jackson State and Southern University. Seven more teams were looking at a postseason ban, but received a conditional waiver for this coming. Teh NCAA says these waivers “can be granted for a variety of reasons but generally include demonstrated academic improvement, active presidential involvement, meeting certain APR benchmarks and implementation of an APR improvement plan.”

Five of those seven were men’s basketball teams. So of the 15 teams that were staring at trouble, 10 were men’s basketball teams. This is worth mentioning because we went over WVU’s retention problems — 10 players have left since Bob Huggins arrived in 2007 — as well as the very good APR.

Huggins’ Mountaineers have been in the top 10 percent of its sport the past two years. They were 990 last year and are 995 this season. Huggins, long hounded for the academic pitfalls of his past, has done quite well at WVU.