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So a WVU head coach was once again on the road for a speaking engagement and kind enough to give his time to someone local for an interview. And once again, the conversation shifted to the future of the Big East. Bob Huggins, heretofore mostly mum on the subject, asks you to chew on this.

Q: There has been a lot of talk over the years that the non-football playing schools will eventually break away and form their own league. Do you think the league will hold together?

A: They’ve been saying that for so long. I don’t think that happens because the Big East moniker is going to stay in Providence. That’s a lot of money, a lot of advertising. Then what are you going to do, start another league? We saw how long it took Conference USA to make its mark. Look at what’s going on around the country. Everybody’s getting bigger. Everything is so TV driven.