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Friday’s festivities

For starters, there will be no Friday Feedback. I’m extending the impressive and improbable streak of not covering the spring game to a relatively Ripkenesque fourth consecutive year and I have to hit the road early.

Never fear: Jack Bogaczyk will be on the scene and, as my consolation, I’ll have a special post-spring chat at 11 a.m. Monday to finalize the season.

Given the fact a lot of you will be at the game and many more will be following the live stream — May I recommend these guys? — I’m curious what you think about this idea: Texts from Spring Game Day?

Yay or nay?

As for the day itself, it presents plenty of possibilities.

Up first is the very neat Mountaineer Gear Sale from 2-6 p.m. at the indoor practice facility, adjacent to the stadium.

Former WVU head coaches Bobby Bowden, Don Nehlen, Frank Cignetti and Jim Carlen (classic!) are guests at the Chalk Talk Roundtable at 4 p.m. at Waterfront Place Hotel.

The Davisson Brothers will perform a free concert beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the K-4 parking lot on the west side of the stadium. (Owen Schmitt was previously scheduled to be there, but not sure what the lifting of the lockout means for that plan).

The Old Timers’ Game begins at 7 p.m. at the stadium and has fairly ridiculous rosters, provided you never thought you’d see Pat White v. Major Harris.