The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Marlon LeBlanc is a pretty sharp guy

Let’s address the two realities here: Men’s soccer is not a primetime sport at WVU. And here I am, writing about men’s soccer.

There’s a trick to producing popularity and population, which are both treats for one of these fringe sports on the college level. These days it involves, if not demands, having something in your ear, in your face all the time as a reminder of what you think is cool … or what you should think is cool.

Marlon LeBlanc is taking advantage of your senses.

The men’s soccer coach has dispatched a multimedia initiative to be in our ears and in our faces in what seems like a down time, but is instead a very opportune time.

The offseason is just that. There is no basketball to pry your time and attention away and spring football, while a branch off the top preoccupation of the fan base, is still just spring football. By now, five weeks and 13 practices in, even I’ll admit reporting on this story is bordering upon tedious. There is baseball, but it is, in its best days, a diversion for the fans.

There isn’t much else, though there is a danger the switch it flipped off until that first camp weekend in August.

So there’s LeBlanc, firing away on a pretty active Twitter account which, while informative for things like news and recruiting and updates on the practice facility, feels more like a guy sitting across the table from you at Starbucks than a guy standing behind a dais preaching inspiration.

The key, though, are these little video packages put together to review the top 10 moments from the previous five years followed immediately by a countdown, of sorts, to get you excited for the fall season … in April.

Sorry, but I’m a sucker for marketing and business in sports. It intrigues me deeply, especially when it’s both subtle and effective. Yeah, yeah, this is a recruiting tool, but is his recruiting limited to just players? Certainly not. Legitimacy is seen on the pitch, but also in the stands and here is an attempt to win hearts and minds well before the season ever begins.  It is anticipation that turns possibility into reality.

Put that on Twitter!