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That could very well be Bill Bedenbaugh, who was in Texas and the Southwest, Arizona and the Pacific Coast and now West Virginia and the Snow-shoveling.

Trust me, there’s a point.

Might he be able to recruit from all three constituencies to get his ideal line? Maybe, but that’s never his plan. He recruits to the blueprint and, if need be, shops around for the right materials.

“You recruit to a system,” he said.

“Look at the offensive line at Arizona. They were 6-foot-7 tackles, 6-foot-4, 6-foot-5 guards, 320, 330 pounds. The center can be a smaller guy – 6-2, 290, 300 pounds. I just think you recruit to the system. I don’t think the guys out there had a different body type. They had a different personality.

“They grow up on the beach surfing and all that stuff. These guys are like me. They grew up shoveling snow. That creates a toughness, a hardness to you. At least that’s what I’m hoping, that we can find guys like that.”