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Quite the kerfuffle at practice today

Coley White caught a pass and then caught a bodyslam from linebacker Donovan Miles, who finished off a prolonged gang tackle of Mr. White.

That prompted a robust rebuttal from Tyler Urban and then simultaneous field-storming by the offense and defense, which was punctuated by diminutive Daquan Hargrett running at and toppling much larger Tyler Anderson.

And we got to see it!

“I said, ‘If you guys want to fight some period, let me know and I’ll put in instead of break we’ll just call it fight period and you can go out there and box,’” Head Coach Bill Stewart said. “We’ll put boxing gloves on and full pads and they can just have fun.”

I’m always amazed and impressed how players and coaches maintain and restore order in these fiascos, but it never fails. This one was tidied up in a hurry and practice concluded a few minutes later with a gentlemanly handshake line. Spring football!

P.S. Brad Starks was, by Stewart’s estimation, “a little dinged” late in practice.