The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Brandon Hogan was arrested again Tuesday

This time he’s alleged to have been involved in a car accident driving a car that wasn’t registered in his name. That’s one problem, and a very minor one. The other and larger issue is that he apparently was going about his day on a license suspended for his prior DUI conviction. That could and probably should nix the deferral program he entered into that was supposed to dismiss the charge and expunge the incident from his record. One condition involved was a suspension of his driver’s license.

I didn’t mention it yesterday because, frankly, I didn’t think it was significant news. I still don’t. But it’s funny how the events don’t affect people, but the side effects do. Bill Stewart was called the other day by a NFL team that was doing its homework on Hogan and looking past the knee injury and for reasons to roll the dice on the young, young man. Stewart had Hogan’s back.

“They were asking about character,” Stewart said.

Of that they weren’t sure, for the subject of the conversation was Brandon Hogan.

Today Stewart expects a return call.

Brandon Hogan is in trouble with the police again.

“Now you know why I’m mad,” he said. “I tell them about his character, and one day later he’s in trouble. They’ll call and they’ll ask, ‘Bill, how do you explain it?’”

Which was exactly why Stewart had been pulled aside after Wednesday’s initial spring practice in pads, to try and learn just why trouble keeps finding Brandon Hogan, a good kid with a bad reputation.

No one knows him better than Stewart, who recruited him out of Manassas, Va., and coached him at WVU, serving as much as he could as a father figure, offering advice and discipline, always frustrated in that Hogan would seem to want to do the right thing but couldn’t.

“You have to know where he came from,” said Stewart, trying to explain. “Oh, I’ve been in New York City. I’ve been in L.A. I’ve been in Boston recruiting, Philly, all inner city, and that over there is as bad as I’ve seen.”