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Who knows when the Coal Bowl will be played?

That’s not a question as much as it is wondering aloud. For all the long-term speculation about the series — and I get the sense more and more now it’s not coming back on an annual basis — there’s a likelihood it may be moved from season-opening Saturday this season to Friday. Or Sunday. Heck, why not both?

The Sept. 3 date at Mountaineer Field is now one of two first-week Big East home games listed on the conference schedule as “date subject to change.” The other movable game is Wake Forest at Syracuse.

ESPN has not announced a Thursday or Friday game for that opening week, and since it’s a week before the NFL is scheduled to open – even if the lockout ends with a labor settlement – the possibility of a Sunday afternoon or night Coal Bowl also exists on Labor Day weekend.

“It’s been informally discussed, but nothing has happened (to move the date),” said WVU Deputy Athletic Director Mike Parsons, who handles scheduling for the Mountaineer program. “It’s a possibility, but there’s nothing yet.”