The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Hey! Let’s read between the lines

After Saturday’s loss to Kentucky, Kevin Jones was asked about the NBA and seemed hesitant to go into great detail and, to me at least, almost as if he hadn’t given it serious thought. A little later, he was asked about the 2012 season and its constitution and he responded in far more detail and used the word “we” and its relatives a whole lot.

Near-consensus reaction: “He’s coming back!”


Now a few days have passed and we’re presented with this post-tournament Q&A with SLAM online. Jump to your own conclusions.

SLAM: What will be the most important deciding factor on your decision from now until the deadline to declare?

KJ: I think it will be whether I am really ready to play and make an immediate impact in the NBA. Nobody wants to go sit on the bench, so I just want to make sure that if I do enter the Draft that I will have an immediate impact.

SLAM: You are a unique player, where do you guys see yourself playing on the next level, down low on the block or out on the wing?

KJ: I am not the prototypical power forward in the NBA, but I can stretch the defense and shoot the ball. But, I want to put the ball on the floor and show everyone my wing skills, I can move and transition myself out to the small forward position.