The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Seems even with Saturday’s loss in the Round of 32 the consensus among observers is WVU had a reasonably successful season.

“A lot of people didn’t pick us to be where we are midway through the season,” WVU forward Cam Thoroughman said. “When there was all that doom and gloom, we could have packed it in and went home, but we didn’t. We battled through it and it made us all better basketball players and better people.

“I’m really proud of everybody. Nobody went crazy. We all just stuck together and got through it together. I don’t want to say it’s an accomplishment to make it this far because we’re going home, but I am glad we got this far.”

You may agree. You may disagree. Irregardless, it was an eventful an uneven season and I’m curious what epitaph you’d chisel on the 2011 season’s tombstone.