The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

As they say at 7:30 am … housekeeping

We’re going to attempt a chat tomorrow at 10:15 am. The internet here is shaky,  and while I’ve had no issues, others have and it’s a matter of time until WiFi finds out who I am and curses me. That start time also gives us some wiggle room to go long, but also lets me get to my seat on time. Here’s your link.

Secondly, there’s still time to join the blog’s bracket competition that features a fantastic prize.

Finally, a small bit of news I’ve been able to confirm today. Brady Ackerman is no longer with the university/athletic department. Oliver Luck said Ackerman was brought in to evaluate and offer advice on WVU’s academic setup in the athletic department. What seemed like a long-term position was, according to Luck, previously planned to be only for a finite period of time.