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So Marquette was very good last night

Marquette probably stepped off of, or a few steps away from, the NCAA Tournament’s bubble last night. The Golden Eagles won, 87-66, in a game that was almost equal parts not that close and closer than that seems.

I’ll give you a second to digest that.

Nevertheless, the Big East’s No. 1 scoring offense has scored 80 points 15 times now this season … and they missed by a point in a win against WVU earlier this season.

The interesting thing about Marquette’s appearance here was how it was the one team that came here playing for a NCAA Tournament bid. Well, as a team, it embraced the occasion and certainly impressed some with its style in victory.

“Hopefully the win helps. Obviously it doesn’t hurt,” said coach Buzz Williams when asked about Marquette’s chances to be picked for the NCAA Tournament. “Does it mean that we’re in? I don’t know. But I know that we played as well as we’ve played in a long time.”