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The underscore scores a coaching gig

Earlier today I met with Dana Holgorsen and we discussed, among many things, grilled Cuban sandwiches, stuffed meatballs and Fishbowls … and I embellished absolutely nothing you just read. Anyhow, for about 30 minutes we sat inhis office, which is the office of his  predecessor and still features some of the previous occupant’s decorative touches.

I returned home a short while later and discovered Jeff Mullen_ found a job. I’d have to assume someone told Mullen this time. If not, don’t worry because time is a luxury at UNC Charlotte. The program’s first ever game is Aug. 31, 2013. Fortunately for Mullen, he’s to be paid by WVU for the 2011-12 and 2012-13 seasons that remained on his contract when he was fired in December.