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Who will make hay?

Dana Holgorsenwas talking earlier this month about how his new WVU players were watching Oklahoma State clips — on their own — to get some ideas about the offense before spring practice begins next month.

He was asked if he’d give last year’s WVU film a look to get some ideas about the players he inherits.

The answer was that he would not, though with a purpose. “I have absolutely no interest in what happened here last year offensively. I don’t know what they did. Football’s hard enough already. You don’t need to enter a bunch of other stuff into the equation.”

His coaches have expressed similar sentiments through different quotes. Robert Gillespie, who will more than likely become the offensive coordinator in 2012 when Holgorsen becomes the head coach, is basically holding an open audition.

“Can they make plays? That’s what it’s all about – putting guys on the field who can make plays,” he explained. “We’re going to put the best playmaker out there and if we don’t have one then we’ve got to go find one.”

Not unusual in a coaching transition, where freshmen are seniors and seniors are freshmen. Everyone, in essence, is even. Everyone starts fresh. Some will separate themselves sooner than others because of what they can and can’t do, but that’s for them to display.

Holgorsen won’t review film from last year and get any ideas that aren’t really relevant to what he needs to do. Gillespie is looking for players. Could be a veteran. Could be a freshman.

So offensively, who are the players — old and new — who can take advantage of this situation best?