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Is adversity exactly what this WVU team needed?

I’d argue yes. Take this quote from Cam Thoroughman.

“Coach Huggins has told us all year he just needs seven or eight guys to go out and play for him,” said senior Cam Thoroughman. “That’s all he wants and he’s had trouble finding that.”

He did have trouble finding that until a variety of trouble found WVU and left Huggins with — all together — seven or eight guys.

Then the dominoes started to fall.

The rotation was set and the players all sort of realized they had to do their part … which is exactly what Huggins and some of the older/better players had been saying all season.

With a short roster, Huggins adjusted his practices. On occasion, he’ll cut an hour or so from the plan, but within the practices the Mountaineers spend  more time on half court than full court.

WVU is a half-court team. If the players hone their offense, defense and rebounding in those adjusted practices, the team is quite likely better off. Remember last year? Defense, rebounding and half-court possessions that wore down the  opposition. Those are things the team is now forced to focus on more.

It goes beyond that. The Mountaineers had a bit of a leadership problem. They say so. So they get stuck in Louisville Wednesday night and can’t go home. The NCAA says they can’t practice Thursday … not with coaches, at least. So the players take it upon themselves to go to the KFC Yum! Center and go through a two-hour practice.

They win two days later.

And who is this team’s leader? Hard to say it isn’t Joe Mazzulla, who, for some reason, flips a switch when things fall on his shoulders. He helps run the practice. Truck Bryant goes into a bad, bad shooting slump. It’s just right for Mazzulla.

None of the Mountaineers wanted what they have right now, but they’ve all figured out a way to make it work.

“I think it’s a stretch to say I wanted it, but I’ve never been one to run,” WVU Coach Bob Huggins said. “That’s kind of what I told them. When people think you can’t do something, that’s a great time to do things.”