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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Yum! Feedback. Enormous game Saturday night as Huggins returns to the scene of his prime and WVU plays a really good Cincinnati team.

A win does a whole lot to chase the bad vibes not only of late, but of past interactions with the Bearcats. Remember, this is the opponent that’s handed Huggins’ WVU teams its worst and most painful loss and the older guys here want few things more than to win at Cincinnati. Do that and there’s a little momentum for a team that won’t admit it, but could use such an infusion of good vibes.

Don’t do it and, sheesh, it’s getting late and WVU would be 13-7 and 4-4 in the Big East — which is suddenly a little more for-the-taking than we once thought. The team’s strongest advocates, the RPI and SOS, would be slipping day by day and play would go on in a league that does give you chances to get healthy, but does line up opponents to slap you in the head.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, be creative.

overtheSEC said:

Geez Mike, why does our 2nd half slump not have a name yet? Even weather patterns that are less frequent have names (El Nino, the Santa Anna winds)

And that was before the 4-for-22 second half against Louisville. I’m accepting applications now.

Sam said:

Can we collectively agree that Kilicli’s running left handed finger roll from a foot away – the shot that ended up going two feet past the basket – was the worst shot taken this season?

Ugly as sin win otherwise, but beggars and choosers and all that.

Again, this was from the USF game and before Louisville and one shot I won’t single out, but that Kilicli shot — in the midst of some nice play from him — was staggering.

The 25314 said:

Between the Elite Eight game, Edgar Sosa’s walk to victory and now Peyton Siva’s Barnum & Baily buzzer beater, I’ve had about enough of Louisville.

The turning point in Huggs first season was the 55-54 heatbreaker at Pitt on Ronald McDonald Ramon’s three. I think we’ll respond in kind again this year.

The thought occured to me. And Louisville doesn’t defeat WVU as much as it crushes WVU. You think about that.

Dave said:

Drew – my take was that there were way too many threes because the drives to the lane resulted in mauls … and non-calls/steals.

If they can’t get inside the 3 line because hacks and whacks are allowed, then they have to try to score somehow. I thought the game was a tale of two halves, and we were on the short end in the second.

How about these numbers … in the last four games,

UL 13
USF 16
Purdue 14

Marshall 32

we commit 13 fouls against top-20 UL, 14 fouls against top-10 purdue, 16 fouls in a Big East conference game … but 32 against freaking Marshall?

Mike – I’m just wondering, maybe an end-of-season discussion would be a more appropriate place, I’m curious about Huggins’ plan to foul Marshall every 1:15 the entire game.

Will do! And you nailed it on the 3s. It’s a double-edged sword. Don’t make shots and the zone compresses and you can’t drive and you have to take shots. Make shots, the zone opens and you have lanes to drive.

rekterx said:

I think the crowd last night was super. When they sensed that the Cards were going to make run they really got into the game became a sixth man. I was impressed how they worked themselves into the game.

I love the Petersen Events Center. Love it. Friends of mine hate that about me. That said, I might go out on a date with the KFC Yum! Center. It’s fantastic. If you get a chance, go see a game there.

Wvmaniac said:

I can’t blame truck for the missed FTs, i mean no depth = he was worn out especially against a press team. But I think this team is starting to get it…. Dalton and Mazzulla are shooting good which is going to force defenses to not double team on the inside, opening up flowers, jones, and kilichili. With Casey coming back back, though I don’t think he will start it brings a great shooter off the bench.

Mike, do you think we will ever see Jennings again? I mean Bobby is known to give second chances and I think the team will forgive him…

Blaming Truck and no one else is convenient and not entirely fair. I’m not sure about Jennings. I’ve been told he’s trying to get a transfer. I heard he played the Facebook apology card Thursday. WVU hasn’t made any definitive statement about Jennings — which isn’t unusual — but all traces of him are gone from the team website and the game notes. And I kind of agree with your initial point. All that’s left now are “Huggins guys” who have seen that the contrarian way was not, this season, the right way. Things like this can divide or unite and I sense veterans and that coach will unite.

rekterx said:

As one who, in another life, had a fair amount of experience working with kids from Dan’s kind of background I am hopeful that he connects with a school closer to his foster family and gets it together.

The rootless nature of being a foster child that gets bounced around in your younger years can program a kid to not understand that perseverance pays off. In the foster care system when difficulties arise someone comes along, picks you up, and moves you to the next temporary situation. Kids become programmed to believe that when the going gets tough, it’s time to get going.

That Dan made it through three semesters of college gives me hope that with some reflection and reasonable support from somewhere, he may just pull off getting a college education.

I am personally acquainted with many kids who came up through the foster care system. Many of them have a tough time understanding how life works. It’s not their fault. But as adults they will have to figure out something. Let’s hope and pray that Dan does.

Well done.

NCMountaineer said:

You guys might think I’m crazy, but I think Pepper will step up in Casey’s absence. Huggins recruited this guy for a reason, and you don’t dominate high school ball in Philly if you can’t play. My theory on Pepper is that he is playing tight and scared because of Huggs’ notorious quick hook. When he is in the game, he looks to the bench every time the buzzer sounds. Now he is going to be forced into PT, get extended minutes and be able to play through mistakes, and I have a feeling he’ll step up.

The one play I can’t shake is of the Rutgers game last year. He made strong drive down the middle and damn near crammed it on that seven footer they had. I’m not giving up yet!

I thought he played great Wednesday night. That’s not the chore, though. He’s got to do it again Saturday. And Wednesday. And then next Saturday …

overtheSEC said:

Good thing he’s shown himself to be a proficient rebounder as of late. Let’s see him rebound from this.


Bill said:

I like the #1 offense incentive.

I hope these special clauses regarding the NCAA are just there as a placeholder, because it sounds like the wheels will come off the program if anything serious happens.

WVU had no problem including that clause. I’m curious why Holgorsen wanted it. Maybe just covering his bases. Sometimes these things are meaningless. I suspect that one is.

glibglub said:

Does Casteel get comparable incentives for coordinating a top defense?

It’s a good question. Right now, the answer is no. It’s not in his contract. I was told at the outset he was due a big raise, which would mean a new contract. Not sure when that will be drawn up because he’s currently contracted through the 2011 season. I think the best gesture here — to guarantee he’s kept happy and not made to worry about his future when the contract runs out — is to give him a new deal soon. I’m very curious if that’ll happen. That said, those guys have been pretty busy lately. It may be next on the agenda.

overtheSEC said:

Mike, are the offensive ranking incentives in place for Holgorsen’s year as OC, too? If so, how’s that for a coaching dilemna for next season? Stew wants to sit on a 10 point lead for two quarters, Holgorsen wants to stomp on their throats because $50,000 will buy a lot of Red Bull. Who wins?

That will be clarified when the contract is finalized. Those incentives are for when Holgorsen becomes the head coach.

Dr. Love:

Oliver Luck was pretty shrewd in getting this concession. Whoever signed Stewart to a six year deal ought to have his a## removed.

Haven’t see frustration and disbelief articulated quite the that.

Josh24601 said:

Ed Pastilong’s negotiation of Sun Stew’s 2008 contract reminds me of an old SNL sketch parodying a rapper with famously decadent tastes and infamous lack of taste: “Yeah, I want the fine things; I just wanna pay more for it.”

… or like that.

The 25314 said:

Stew also had two options to keep his original contract: maintain the level of the program and don’t cheat. He did neither. I don’t feel sorry for him, and I have no problem with Oliver Luck’s handling of the situation.

I don’t think many do. Not now, at least.

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:

Well, at a minimum, we all now know why Coach Stewart was playing “dumb” when asked about this rumor during the latter part of the season. Talk and your fired without compensation!

Eh, that’s not true. Someone tried to make that a story and it’s not accurate. That clause is in every contract at WVU. It’s not unique or specific to this case. Also, Mr. Luck told Stewart that the A.D. wanted the head coach to tell the assistants.

Patchy said:

Schools have loads of compliance staff – why aren’t they being held to account for failing to do their jobs? Yes responsibility ultimately rests with the head coach but I find it ironic that compliance ‘officers’ would allow things to slip so far that it triggers an investigation and penalties. No doubt these ineffectual bureaucrats will carry on punching the clock after Stewart is long gone.

We can mock Stewart’s aw-shucks manner but he may be the lone coach whom you would tend to believe when he claims or demands 100% compliance. He had a much harder road than most to the top and it beggars belief that he would endanger all that.

Still, the sanctimonious NCAA loves its Kafkaesque system where it alone is judge, jury and executioner. Athletic directors are always dreading that phone call or letter because they know the system is rigged which is one reason so many schools commit hari-kiri by sanctioning themselves. As an attorney, Luck knew that the laughably vague charges meant the NCAA could claim to have ‘proved’ anything it damn well wanted and as an AD his first priority was damage limitation – he certainly wasn’t going to be left holding the bag.

The story may be a disappointment to those who believe Stewart was ousted based strictly on his W-L record.

You make a great point. That stands on its own. I do need to add Patrick Hairston, the assistant A.D. in charge of compliance, was the first casualty. Luck turned the egg timer over on Hairston when things first started in August. Hairston was reassigned and his contract expires in June. I doubt he’s brought back, especially since Keli Cunningham was hired as the associate A.D. for governance and compliance. And I’m told she’s a bulldog … but in a good way. Like one of those with a bow on its head.

Jeff in Akron said:

rekterx, Mr. M, Artist, I’ve never been a big fan of the Simpsons, but, I can pretend to be Bart for a time, riding in the back of the Torino as Luck navigates those country roads.

It is interesting that the agreement only states that Stewart is to be the head coach through the 2011 regular season, what of the possible bowl game? Did I miss something? Is it possible that Stewart would not be the coach if there is a bowl game?

It seems that Luck has Stewart on a very short leash. If Stewart is the cause of any unrest for the team Luck can end it easily. The better Stewart behaves, the more compensation he gets. Luck may not be great at making his intentions public, he certainly is good at outlining those intentions in a contract.

From where I sit, there is little doubt who is running the show, I wonder if there is a silver star and a shoulder holster with a six-shooter in it under Luck’s suit jacket.

That agreement says that, but I’m sure that’ll be cleared up and Stewart will be allowed to coach the bowl. I’d also guess Holgorsen schedules more than seven practices so he can get a head start on 2012.

wvu304 said:

Who leaked all this information? 🙂

I see you working. This is a good time to say the folks in WVU’s general counsel office are terrific and cooperative people — and they didn’t even ask me to say that. If you know someone there, share this with them.

Mr. M said:

Hey! Who are you!? And how did you get this leverage against me?!

I’m the Athletic Director. And, I’m the Athletic Director.

Enjoy the weekend!