The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Greetings from the understated KFC Yum! Center

6:11 pm: Working on a notebook for tomorrow’s paper before the game begins because weather has handed me an early deadline. Also, I walked around this palace and was pretty well blown away by what I saw.

And now I’m behind.

6:14: WVU is wearing its new uniforms tonight. They have gold, blue and white versions and will wear the blues against Louisville. Pretty sharp look and the players seem to like them, particularly the light-weight shorts. They’ve been likened to swim trunks.

Additionally, because this place is new and state-of-the-art, it’s also too good for my laptop. I can’t get onto the secure wireless network that’ll allow me to float through uncluttered cyberspace and be active on the blog during the game. I’ll instead be left with the same network that the other 20,000 or so people can access with their cell phones.

Yes, I’m frustrated. Yes, I’m again tapping you on the shoulder to ask you assist with commentary.