The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Watch me pander to the audience, Part II

overtheSEC said:

Mike, you live blogging tonight or is everything about the Civic Center antiquated?

I’m going to give it a shot, but elements will conspire to make it tricky. There’s the late tip and deadline, the entirely unreliable technology within the CCC, but also the fact Chuck McGill and I have also agreed to let the winning side’s beat writer handle the lead story. It’s how we have fun.

Nevertheless, my head will be down for much of the game, so contributions may be limited to timeouts. I’ll again welcome contributions in the comments. I’ll open up a game post later.

Meantime, accept my apology with this killer of time. Pretty simple. Type in a search term, pick the video and prepare to have your fancy tickled and your mind bottled. I’m excited to see what people come up with for this one. I’ll go first: Enjoy!