The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Watch me pander to the audience, Part I

Bill said:

To h – e – double hockey stick with “quarter gate”. Can we talk about the match-ups here? How does Marsha College match up? What are their strengths and weaknesses?

I’m not calling it “quarter gate” because of my hard line stance against “-gate” gates. Undeniably, though, it’s a storyline and one to get to, and to get past, right away today. As for the matchups, Dr. Bogaczyk handled that with aplomb. I think it’s simple tonight. Three factors and whoever wins two out of three, or sweeps, wins the game:

1) Marshall, as you might expect, plays a lot like recent Pitt teams. That means the Thundering Herd will “sag” on defense, congest the lane and allow the ball to move around the perimeter, but also jump right inside a WVU jersey once the a Mountaineer receives the ball. Marshall also has very good guards and some depth in the backcourt. If they can pressure the perimeter and guard the 3-point line and protect against penetration — a la Pudue, which made it very hard for WVU to shoot the ball or see inside to dribble/pass — they have a very good chance. Who’s backcourt scores more points?

2) This is going to be a game of runs, as most basketball game are, and the winner will be able to either sustain its runs or manage the opponent’s. Again, that’s a fairly common thread, but what may lead to those runs will matter most. Marshall turns the ball over a lot. It has a negative assist-turnover ratio. WVU has been schizophrenic with regard to turnovers — see first half. vs. second half Sunday — but is generally effective/efficient when it takes care of the ball and in danger when it just gives away possessions. Expect turnovers to be in abundance. Who does more with the other team’s turnovers?

3) There will be fouls and this will be a close game. Points will be at a premium. The free-throw line is critical and neither team is very good there. WVU shoots 69.1 percent, Marshall 67.3. And, once again, you know the officials will announce their presence with authority. Marshall is 12-1 when it makes more free throws than the opponent and 0-4 when it makes fewer. WVU is 10-0 when it attempts more free throws. In its four losses, opponents attempt 30 free throws. In the 12 wins opponents attempt 17.5. Who is more productive at the line?