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Pop quiz, Jack Traven

How do we explain the mini-resurgence West Virginia’s men’s basketball team has produced the past three games? Is it:

A) fill-in-the-blank tests on the scouting report?
B) random requests to draw up plays in front of the team?
C) an increased emphasis on accountability?

Trick question! It’s D) all of the above.  

“What does this player do? Does he go with his right hand or does he go with his left hand? What does a certain post player do?” guard Casey Mitchell said.

“We have to study every player, from all the guards to the big post players. Everybody has to know what everyone is going to do.”

What was new that day was an old trick for Coach Bob Huggins, who’d grown tired this season of watching his players forget things he’d gone over again and again.

“I’ve done it before when we’ve had knuckleheads,” Huggins said.

“Our attention to detail wasn’t very good. You put a test in front of them and you find out who’s paying attention and who’s not paying attention. And they have gotten significantly better the last three games at test-taking.”

We can cover all this and more in today’s 1 p.m. live chat. It’s at 1 p.m. and it’s live. Drop your questions in the queue there or the comments below. Here’s your link to today’s chat.