The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Live chat moves to 1 p.m. tomorrow

Football season is over. Your curiosities and my compulsions are not. The weekly WVU sports chat carries on tomorrow, this time in a new slot: 1 p.m. We’re going to try to keep it there because it works a whole lot better for me and my daily schedule.

Previously, the spot was occupied by a fellow up north who is no longer with us. Talk about mixed emotions. People are saddened and relieved by this news, I can assure you.

I’m also sure many of you will have plenty of things to say about that. Consider tomorrow your day of mourning/congratulations/cheap shots, as well as another opportunity to talk about your Mountaineers.

You may commence the questions and the snark now, either in the comments section here or in the queue. Here’s your link to the queue and the live chat — 100% guaranteed not to work when I’m in the air on the way back to Morgantown and totally unable to address the inevitable issue until I return to my office.

Win the day, everyone.