The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Three cheers for mustaches!

Couldn’t be more proud of WVU’s sports marketing department today.

They were kind of put under the microscope in the preseason with the NCAA grant and the unprecedented expectations and questions about how those folks would make the most of the situation. That story contained news about the comic book, Hoops-N-Heels, Carey’s Crew Kid’s Club and ticket promotions like a flex plan and “Think Pink.”

No one ever mentioned mustaches. Never.

It was “Mike Carey Mustache” Day at the Coliseum as West Virginia’s No. 6-ranked Mountaineers took on Central Connecticut State in their final tune up for the Big East season, each young fan in the crowd of 2,513 being given a mustache upon entry.

By halftime it appeared as though Carey would have to give mustaches out to his players as disguises to escape what surely would be an angry mob, for not in all the days that this building has stood — even in the lowest days of the Alexis Basil regime — had a game deteriorated to such low levels.