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So Pitt is a mess …

Dave Wannstedt was fired, Michael Haywood was hired, recruiting tanked, Haywood was arrested and then fired and now Wanstedt has ever so nobly told his team he won’t coach Pitt in its bowl Jan. 8. Just an absolute disaster on multiple levels, particularly since Wannstedt was leaning toward this decision for a while now was allowed to wait this long to make a call.

Call me suspicious, but this seems like a textbook “Screw you” moment. He’s made decision-makers look bad and there’s nothing those people can do to him about it. I’d have to think Wannstedt either never wanted to enter this arrangement or recently convinced himself he can’t do it.

As such, I have to ask this with all seriousness: Does this — or should this? — resonate at all with Bill Stewart?