The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Clancy Wiggum wishes you a good Tuesday

Not long ago, this Tuesday in December looked as if it would be more procedural than anything else. Try as WVU might to convey otherwise, this is going to be pretty interesting. I’ve been thinking about it for a few days now, of course, and this promises to be one of the more unusual days I’ve been around on this job. I guess I’m ready for anything, but prepared for nothing. Make sense?

Certainly, nothing is going to be the way it was in Deember 2007, but every case is unique and this one sure distinguishes itself on many levels. Fortunately, WVU returned to practice Saturday — I’m told that was “odd” at first and then just football after — and some of whatever awkwardness existed has probably been managed. But now here comes the media for its last pre-bowl invitation oncampus. We get to talk to players and assistants and Bill Stewart has his first official lame duck press conference.

I don’t think we’ll get very much out of this — and that’s not a complaint, just a tip of the hat to reality. I’m told Brandon Hogan has been ruled out of the bowl and today is the day we learn about academic casualties, but everyone is talking and thinking about something else. I suggest you expect something else.

The players will be themselves, the assistants from whom you might hope for soundbytes are among the classiest people I’ve worked with and, just a guess, but Stewart will probably have some sort of an opening statement and include within it a request to keep our questions focused on the bowl.

That said, suppose there is no restriction and suppose Mickey is not in attendance. You have the first question. Singular. The floor is yours …