The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

National Lampoon approves of my vacation

There’s a press conference with Oliver Luck this afternoon, and I have to give the guy credit for coming out and doing this. For a moment, I was curious, if not concerned, it might be just a press release. So there’s that to do to day and then I go on vacation. Awesome timing, as always.

It was in the early hours this morning that what’s happened the past seven days finally hit me squarely. This is a big, big deal — not terribly unlike the exit of Beilein and the arrival of Huggins, sharing a lot of similarities with P-Rod’s departure and Stewart’s entry — with a whole lot of peole involved and affected and not everyone is as guilty or as innocent as it seems.

It’s been in motion for quite some time despite denials or “no comments” from people intimately involved … and that’s fine. Not bitter about that at all, please understand, but their work did make some people on the other end of the phone or notepad look and feel silly when that was not the case. Wednesday night, this case was closed.

So as I gingerly step away from the laptop knowing full well Casey Mitchell will score 141 points Saturday night and Dana Holgorsen will announce the transfer of Andrew Luck to WVU, I have three questions/discussion topics for all of you:

1) You get one question for Mr. Luck. What do you ask?

2) How do you feel about the entirety of this?

3) What happens next at WVU (and I realize that’s an impossibly broad question, but that’s my intent)?