The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

My gift to you: Chat at 2 pm?

Probably a good idea to start another post, yes? Obviously, this has controlled the conversation and the idle thinking the past day-plus. I’ve had to press the pause button because as I try to write stories to give to my boss before I go on vacation, I suddenly realize it might be wasted time to talk about the offensive coordinator or the head coach. Can you even quote them for a story that runs Monday?

I have no clue when we’ll hear anything, but I hope and believe it has to be sooner rather than later. I understand people need time to sort out their personal matters, but you can’t have Stewart out there spinning around and subjecting himself to awkward moments like this. That’s surreal. WVU is to practice again Tuesday evening and shame on everyone if nothing happens before then. Some say it’s too late to spare any shame.

There’s no adequate way to summarize, but we can try. This is what we know: There was to be a meeting earlier this month between Luck and Holgorsen and it was cancelled. Why? Could have been bad weather. Could also have been that WVU tapped the brakes because it had a 9-3 football team. The two sides still got together and there are solid theories I’ve been told, such as Holgorsen’s candidacy at Pitt inspiring an appointment, but the best is that the interest between the two sides never waned. Holgorsen was not offered the job at Pitt and the Panthers backed away. Again, more theories there, but a day later it was very clear to many people but the ones most involved Holgorsen was coming to WVU. 

We could go on and on, so why don’t we? I’m on vacation tomorrow through Monday, which would mean no chat tomorrow. But what about an emergency bat signal chat at 2 p.m. today? I know there are a million questions. I think I have about 891,000 answers. Start your questions now, either here or in the queue, and I’ll do what I can do. Deal?