The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Bat signal (anew)

12:18 pm: Just keep pressing F5 today, folks. Here’s the early version of Mr. Holgorsen going to WVU.

(Update: I’m rowing along in my little canoe here and following this as it happens. Hope you don’t mind me not updating very much today. Or tomorrow. I just don’t want to miss something.

I go on vacation Thursday, unless something happens. And let’s face it: You know my track record and I’m frightened by the things I hear.

Truth it, this is the only thing really “happening” at WVU now and I’ve got to stick with it. I could hit you with a basketball post or a discussion topic, but I very much doubt you’d be interested. I also can’t put out what I know and what I’m preparing to report for fairly obvious reasons.

We can keep it going in the comments. I’ll visit that and try to answer questions and address concerns and all that. Also, the paper v. paper thing is misplaced. No one’s wrong here. Please don’t make this about that.)

All I’m at liberty to say right now is I’ve been working the phones and that news you’re wondering about is sorted out in tomorrow’s paper now.

Deep breaths, everyone. This is a fluid situation and really not at all about the current state of newspapers. We had it early this afternoon. It’s up now. So? Let’s keep the focus where it needs to be, OK?

When no one is on the record with a name, there is a reason. What we can say is there was to be a meeting between two sides and that particular meeting was, for important and still unknown reasons, cancelled.

It would appear, though, there was an interest that was existent and mutual, to the point the two sides could have met or talked after the initial plan was nixed. The interest could still exist, particularly if Pitt is no longer interested in Holgorsen, but things do change and for various reasons. It wouldn’t be unusual for someone to think ahead and then later decide that thinking ahead was unnecessary. It wouldn’t be unusual for someone to think one opportunity is better than another.

Don’t sprain any knee ligaments jumping to conclusions here.