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Tis the season

Bowl season at WVU is typically dotted with things that have nothing to do with the game and the opponent. Happens everywhere, actually, but it seems every year the Mountaineers are made to deal with a lot of it. Some of it cannot be avoided, some of it should never happen and all of it must be discussed.

It can get quite silly, but let’s not call this the silly season — we media aren’t making these stories up.

And so it was Saturday WVU had its first bowl practice/media gathering in a season Bill Stewart said contained “distractions everywhere.” A rundown of the issues covered and mostly stiff-armed:

– Jeff Mullen choreographed his interview so he would do it with everyone around. Not a self-serving maneuver. He just wanted to open with a statement, get it out of the way and hopefully say it once with as many people around as possible. He never mentioned Kent State, his candidacy or even what he was referring to, but he said he was entirely focused on the bowl and wanted questions restricted to that. Pressed later if he had interviewed anywhere, he repeated himself and added, “but I appreciate your concern.”

– Brandon Hogan’s left knee is in bad shape. He was injured when sandwiched on a punt return against Rutgers. Hogan didn’t practice Saturday and was instead getting treated. Stewart said “Brandon Hogan is still a ‘don’t-know-yet.'” Stewart directed further comment to his head trainer and said the Mountaineers were in wait-and-see mode. Stewart said later, “If anybody can play, No. 22 will play.”

– This is strange because there are not just suggestions, but extraordinarily strong indications Hogan has a torn ACL. Pat Miller spoke excitedly about his opportunity to start a bowl game, but also of how disappointed he was that Hogan, who is Miller’s roommate on road trips, would not play in his final college game.

– Barry Brunetti was at practice and everything seemed normal apart from the fact we weren’t allowed to speak with him. Mullen wouldn’t talk about Brunetti’s speculated and still unofficial status or how it might affect his plans for the game and beyond. He reiterated he was focused on the game. At this point, it was clear Mullen was focused on the game. Stewart was later asked if he’s spoken to Brunetti about transferring. “We’ve not had that type of discussion,” Stewart said. This is either a fib or simply amazing.

– Then again, maybe WVU is taking the shrug-your-shoulders “What can we do?” approach and accepts Brunetti is gone. Or maybe Brunetti is working on the Pensky file.

– Robert Sands is not thinking about the NFL, but will after the bowl game. He also knows a whole lot about the labor situation and how it will affect rookie salaries. I also got the hunch Sands wasn’t terribly impressed with himself this season.

– WVU practiced Saturday and will return to practice the 19th. The team will also practice the 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th and have a walkthrough the 27th. Counting the bowl, Stewart said the team will have 10 practices. Teams are allowed 15. Stewart is a bit of a renegade in that regard. Most coaches treasure the 15 practice and want to use every second of every period. Stewart doesn’t want to grind his players and is happy with quick, crisp practices.