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Texts from the Backyard Brawl

That sound you just heard was a whistle blowing in Hartford and a flag hitting the turf in Tampa. I don’t want to say UConn has anything to worry about as far as objectivity is concerned for its next two games against Cincinnati and at USF… but Robert Sands and Chris Neild and some others who were involved in a certain play in a certain Ohio city last year may disagree. 

I can hardly believe I’m typing this — not because I saw what I saw Friday at Heinz Field, but because I really did not anticipate this the night before Halloween — but right now it is in the best interest of the Big East to have WVU as its champion.

Let that sink in.

WVU will travel far, far better than UConn and, quite likely, if the past month is any measure, but just as competitive, but better suited for a win with its defense and a snake-in-the-grass offense. What that means is WVU must beat a very suspect Rutgers while UConn must lose one of its final two games.

In back-to-back years now, Bill Stewart has his signature win against his biggest rival. I don’t think coaches are fired — or retained, for that matter — because of one game. There are exceptions, but mostly it’s more of a body of work. For that, I do believe this was big for Billy. I said it the night of the UConn game and it’s worth repeating now:

– For a long time, WVU was able to thump its chest about a few things: It had a premier Big East program, it operated cleanly and without breaking any rules, it dominated rival Marshall and could be counted on, basically every year, to beat Syracuse, UConn and Rutgers, which went a long way toward establishing and sustaining a high profile in eastern football. A lot of that has come down this year. WVU will share last place in the Big East during its open week. It could be alone in last place when it plays next. The NCAA case is going to make news again soon. WVU was fortunate to beat a terrible Marshall team and has in consecutive weeks lost to Syracuse for the first time since 2001 and to UConn for the first time ever.

Suppose WVU lost to Pitt Friday. Then what? You would add to that sentence and probably draw some serious conclusions. That said, it did not happen. The Mountaineers aren’t losing to Rutgers — and if they do, don’t throw it back in my face. My point is damage control has been performed and has been successful. To that, WVU has been a different and very good team since its back-to-back losses. The win against Pitt was a thorough culmination of what the Mountaineers believe is a return to form. (The offensive line was very good. Must be said. Protected quite well.)

The defense remains unbelievable, but the offense has been clean and efficient and, consequently, effective. Blew up Cincinnati, tailored its plan for Louisville’s blitzes to mixed results and then played deliberate option football wth calculated passes against Pitt’s four-man rush. It’s worked and WVU now becomes very big fans of Cincinnati and USF. If one of them comes through and WVU beats Rutgers, it’s a Big East title and a BCS bid.

Let that sink in.

Till I collapse I’m spilling these texts as long as you feel them, till the day that I drop you’ll never say that I’m not killing them. My edits are in [brackets].

(11:44 AM):

(11:45 AM):
I think my backyard is in better condition than Heinz Field today. Sheesh.

(11:47 AM):
At what point to the Heinz Field people revaluate their field?

(11:52 AM):
Re: TI. At Pitt, rule is “stop stach-in’ “

(12:09 PM):

(12:10 PM):
Combat unis are SICK!!! Love it!

(12:11 PM):
Tino??? Really?

(12:12 PM):
Our unis win today.

(12:15 PM):
Why can`t B Hog catch punts like that?

(12:22 PM):
ABC says there’s a Deceiving Wind. Stew responds by honoring ancestor spirits with Power I used by Jim Thorpe

(12:24 PM):
All those scuffles on the field make me nervous

(12:35 PM):
Good for pitt to know you can tackle devine by the facemask

(12:36 PM):
Damn dont piss off sands

(12:43 PM):
Ur guy Jed Drenning talking about the wind and the sun helping out Pitt. Guess he’s some sort of Native American?

(12:45 PM):
Think Pitt knew that end around was coming?

(12:45 PM):

(12:45 PM):
God our oline sucks

(12:46 PM):
Offense kills us every time.

(12:47 PM):
This is definition of outcoaching. Clearly one team on the field has a plan

(12:48 PM):
New uniforms. Same offense.

(12:53 PM):
Shotgun to the foot from irvin

(12:53 PM):

(1:01 PM):
WTF is Geno doing?????? Woods was wide open!!!! OMG!!!!

(1:03 PM):
Geno stops short again!! Unreal.

(1:04 PM):
Geno’s skirt was too tight on yet another short scramble

(1:06 PM):
So geno had all day but couldnt freaking find his man camping out in endzone. Cant blame oline for that

(1:07 PM):
XFL uniforms. Yay

(1:08 PM):
Was Sunseri not past the line of scrimmage??

(1:08 PM):
Sunseri clearly past line of scrimmage on that last throw.

(1:09 PM):
He was past the line of scrimmage on that third down conversion. Did anyone else notice that?

(1:11 PM):
Pitt running the fluke play offense very well today.

(1:11 PM):
We’re making Sunseri look like Cam freaking Newton

(1:16 PM):

(1:17 PM):
Twinkle toes! We missed ya!

(1:18 PM):
Good timeout call by Geno. I don’t know what play was called but I’m sure it wasn’t a good one

(1:19 PM):
Touchdown, baby!

(1:20 PM):

(1:30 PM):
What the hell are you doing Stew???!!!

(1:31 PM):

(1:33 PM):
Still tring to come up with a logical reason for calling a timeout.

(1:37 PM):
Annnnd I officially hate these commentators “tandy is one of the best corners in the country”. Really?!

(1:43 PM):
Great clock management at end of 1st half by stew & co – its that type of crap that get him in the hot seat w/ fans

(1:56 PM):
Tavon!!!! Yessir!!!

(1:57 PM):
Why do I think that that post play to Austin is there every game?

(2:00 PM):
I`ll never understand why the ball is not in Tavon`s hands 50% of the time

(2:01 PM):
21 points… Jock says turn your tv off now.

(2:09 PM):
Pitt is gonna keep stew employed, hguh?

(2:10 PM):
Does Jenkins get an assist on that tackle?

(2:12 PM):
I wish I was an offensive lineman so I could scream bloody murder at Jenkins.

(2:13 PM):
Mullen was obviously looking at the 1st down plays when he called the Austin pass play. Don’t worry, he found the 2nd half sheet

(2:16 PM):
This offense is done. Mullen throwing in the victory formation next series

(2:19 PM):
Hogan watch out, as they went to timeout Baldwin was drawing up a play on his hand for Wannstache

(2:24 PM):
Devine “running faster” than he has all season.

(2:28 PM):
Why the hell are they moving him back to RB? Thats a bigtime WR play right there

(2:40 PM):
Scooter Berrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy

(2:43 PM):
Wait…is this the same team that has been playing all season??? Who are these guys? Haha! Like them!

(2:49 PM):

(2:50 PM):
We look good. Go Bearcats!

(2:50 PM):
Sweet caroline eat [it] pitt

(2:50 PM):
Screw sportsmanship, keep your foot on the gas Stew. It’s Pitt, afterall!

(2:51 PM):
The Dave Wandstatt Face is almost as funny as The Peyton Manning Face. 35-10! EAT SH…you know the rest.

(2:52 PM):
Gotta give it to the team and coaches today. Mountains, matched!

(2:54 PM):
This makes me want to pull out the pat white kitty growl

(2:56 PM):
Meant to say this earlier… Commentator said in first qtr that Pitt offense was dominating. To that point, Pitt had two possessions, scored one td and g

(2:56 PM):
iven WVU a td.

(2:57 PM):
FWD: Amazing what we can do when we let other guys touch the ball. Love Devine, but this is not his season

(2:58 PM):
WVU defensive plan was smart today. Swarm the ball… Don’t let the fluke play make you go conservative.

(3:01 PM):
So Wanny beats Rod, we get stew. Wanny loses to Stew, we keep stew? Awesome. Sure hope they keep Wanny

(3:03 PM):

(3:08 PM):
Stew probably ought to call a timeout about now

(3:11 PM):
Could there be a trip to Arizona n the horizon??? Smells like a Fiesta!!!

(3:11 PM):
Picky but would 42-10 or 38-10 have looked better?

(3:12 PM):
Did Bill Stewart just say “swag”?

(3:12 PM):
Im fully prepared to lose to rutgers after this