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Sandlot football!

(Update: Story with quotes!)

9:35 am: You are looking sort of live at the beaten blend of Kentucky Bluegrass at Heinz Field. Groundskeepers just spent 10 or so minutes pacing, stamping and poking at the field, especially the home half of the field. Wonder why …


So that’s the half of the field — and really, that’s field goal range — going into the closed end zone. Drive the other way and you’re headed toward the open end of the stadium. So much for the advantages of field position. Please believe the kicking game will be a variable today.

WVU KICKER Tyler Bitancurt has never kicked at Heinz Field, but the sophomore is prepared for “one of the worst” kicking conditions he’s encountered.

“I know what to expect,” he said. “The field is not going to be on my side.”

9:55 am: Note from Marlon LeBlanc: No pressure, Billy!

9:59 am: Note from Ron Cook: No pressure, Billy and Dave!

Somebody needs to take a picture of the postgame handshake between Pitt coach Dave Wannstedt and West Virginia’s Bill Stewart today. It should be the last of its kind. Chances are the losing coach will be fired after the season.

10:58 am: The wind is really whipping and at field level I can see pant legs moving. That said, I just watched Tyler Bitancurt go through a warmup with a kick stand and didn’t see him miss one kick going into the open end of the stadium. Even drilled a 49-yarder. (He just missed a 31-yarder with a snapper adn holder … of course).

11:01 am: Bitancurt is wearing one gold Pro Combat shoe and his regular black kicking shoe.

11:01 am: Now the fun starts. The teams switch sides for warmups and Bitancurt will kick on the sloppy end of the field and into a strong wind. What a combination.

11:03 am: Bitancurt nearly fell on his first kick, a 20-yarder from between the hashes and on a piece of sod.

11:08 am: Barry Brunetti, who is apparently very sick and working on no sleep, is in uniform.

11:24 am: Big screen at the stadium is showing footafe of the junior Panthers club. The music in the stadium? TI’s “Bring ‘Em Out.” Never too soon to teach the kids it’s hard to yell when the barrel is in your mouth.

12:14 pm: Pitt starts with five straight passes and closes a drive with three incompletions, including an interception you could see coming. Brandon Hogan’s 53-yard return set up a 2-yard touchdown run by Ryan Clarke. Mountaineers lead, 7-0.

12:17 pm: By the way, the tackle on the interception return was made by backup right guard Greg Gaskins. Lucas Nix, arguably, if not proably, Pitt’s best lineman, was not in the game that drive.

12:19 pm: In case you were wondering, or couldn’t tell, Dion Lewis hadn’t returned a kickoff this season. He and Ray Graham, a regular returner, forgot to catch that kick before it hit the turf and rolled.

12:21 pm: I honestly can’t tell the difference between a penalty flag and one of WVU’s shoes.

12:27 pm: That’s twice now Baldwin has gotten behind Hogan.

12:32: First-and-10 at the 16, WVU uses Alston and Clarke in the backfield and Clarke gains six on first down. That pushes the ball across the 20, which, for some reason, means WVU must change its attack. Noel loses three yards on an odd looking draw and then Eu throws an incomplete pass on third down. Punt. Not sure I get the change on that possession.

12:39 pm: Pitt is 4-for-6 on third down and has converted two on two drives, including an 18-yard run by Sunseri on third-and-8 when he ball-faked Robert Sands in the open field. On first-and-goal at the 8, Sunseri fit a pass in the corner of the end zone past Sands and into the grasp of Devin Street to tie the score 7-7.

12:41 pm: Lots of playaction and rollouts forcing pauses and gaps in WVU’s defense thus far. Nice tactic by the Panthers.

12:46 pm: Second time Pitt’s run that playaction bootleg to the right. First time Sunseri threw deep to Baldwin on the right side. This time Baldwin blew by Hogan. Remember that.

12:52 pm: Bad play by Irvin on the attempted punt block — something WVU rarely even tries — but a worse job by the referee who signalled roughing the passer then holding before getting around to roughing the kicker.

12:56 pm: Snide press box comment: “Sure, great play by Garvin except the part where he didn’t get into the end zone.”

1:08 pm: Maybe Geno can watch Tino run and learn a few things. Eu wouldn’t extend or exert himself as he neard the first down mark on a third down run. That left the offense with a fourth-and-1 and WVU called a timeout and put in a set including an extra lineman. That lineman, Matt Timmerman, drew a false start. After the punt, Pitt had third-and-16 and Tino ran for 22 yards with another open-field pass fake, this time on Tandy.

1:16 pm: That’s the first time Noel has looked like Noel in a very, very long time. It’s his second 48-yard pass play in as many weeks, but that was so much different than the wheel route against Louisville. He turned nothing into something.

1:19 pm: With an offense based almost entirely on one play — 75 yards of offense with 48 coming on one play — WVU leads 14-7.

1:26 pm: Pitt has 11 first downs and is 8-for-11 on third down. WVU’s past three opponents were 7-for42. No opponent converted more than UNLV’s six on 17 attempts. In five Big East games, WVU had allowed just 12 third-down conversions.

1:29 pm: Interesting use of a timeout there. Call it with 43 seconds to go in the half and Pitt punts. Call it with six seconds left and … well, I don’t know what that accomplishes.

1:45 pm: Press box consensus: WVU is improbably ahead. Pitt has 45 plays, 205 yards and 22:34 of possession. The Mountaineers? Try 16, 75, 7:26. Sunseri is 7-for-9 for 87 yards and five first downs on third-down passes. He’s also run twice for 40 yards and two first downs on third-down scrambles. Key to the half there.

1:53 pm: Anybody … most important drive of the season right here? A 21-7 lead would be quite a deficit.

1:54 pm: Jock becomes WVU’s all-time leading receiver with that eight-yard gain.

1:57 pm: After getting 75 yards in the entire first half, WVU gets 73 on one play to end a 74-yard drive. A season-long pass form Eu to Tavon on third-and-9 makes it 21-7. UConn just swallowed very hard.

2:09 pm: After that series, I anticipate Shawne Alston in fat doses the rest of the way … provided WVU does WVU the rest of the way.

2:12 pm: And there’s the playaction pass to Baldwin over Hogan. Third time they’ve run it, second time they’ve thrown it. Double move beats Hogan, but he had pretty good coverage.

2:15 pm: This timeout seems like a good time to mention WVU is playing and somehow winning a FBS football game and is being outgained 2-to-1 and has three first downs to the opponent’s 16.

2:34 pm: While researching Tavon Austin stats, Pitt has driven to the WVU 24 after a pass interference. It was the last play of the third quarter, but Stewart refused to allow a change of fields at the quarter change and the officials ordered the untimed down. Respect the wind!

2:35 pm: Chris Neild has a hamstring and will not return.