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Texts from Louisville Game Day

Two  in a row! Two victories? Well, yes, I suppose that’s true … but after both Bill Stewart has gone all silver-tongued on us and dabbled in feline cardiovascular surgery and, in Saturday’s case, gone off the map with another equally inspirational message about matching the mountains.

Hey, whatever works. A Backyard Brawl with Pitt that figures heavily into the Big East championship picture seemed a distant possibility following the loss to UConn. Now it’s here and, believe it or not, WVU kind of saw this coming.

“We knew what we had to do and we knew we had to win the rest of our games and the Pitt game was going to be a critical game for us,” said safety Robert Sands, who was once committed to the Panthers. “It’s going to be the breaking break point for us toward whether we have a great season or whether we have an OK season.”

Let’s go right up the middle to the texts from Saturday’s game day. If you’ve never been shot or stabbed, Brick City, text, “Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh!” I’ve got to catch a cab back to the lab so I can text. Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh!  My edits are in [brackets].

(11:47 AM):
How bad is it when itxtd friends this morning to meet me at Keglers to watch the game I got replies of &h, [snap]. Forgot about the game.”? I am sad

(12:11 PM):
Our offense has it figured out. . . The trick? Play against a crappy defense.

(12:14 PM):
Great opening drive!

(12:15 PM):
Again. Why can’t we freaking tackle on the first try?

(12:22 PM):
Yeah, o-line! This is a [bad] damned joke.

(12:22 PM):
Is there some reason we can’t throw down field?

(12:24 PM):
Passes down the field twice in a row and 2 first downs. Mullen thinks this is a coincidence.

(12:28 PM):
A run outside the tackles inside the 5 yard line!!??

(12:37 PM):
[Bogus]! Heaven forbid they be allowed to play football and actually hit someone.

(12:39 PM):
Can’t believe Stew was chewing Hale out about that hit

(12:40 PM):
I hate that slide [stuff]. At least he got the first down.

(12:41 PM):
WTF was that? Who called that mess of a play?

(12:42 PM):
Damn we suck. I cant stand to watch it in HD.

(12:49 PM):
Oh DAMN IT!!!!! The fake!!!!

(12:49 PM):
Awesome call….

(12:52 PM):
They just said on tv that last wk Strong texted the entire team after their loss to USF. Has Stew sent a text in his entire life? Oh wait

(1:00 PM):
Oh my god. We just scored for louisville.

(1:01 PM):
Here we go again…turning over the ball = LOSS!

(1:01 PM):
I have never been an offensive lineman so I can’t criticize our “protection” there.

(1:06 PM):
Follow up question for jock. If the offense allows a td, does that mean you may have to score 28?

(1:08 PM):
Mullen is by far, the worst!

(1:08 PM):
Wouldn’t it be awesome if all the talent on our offense was executed? One could only dream…

(1:11 PM):

(1:21 PM):
24-0 Wisconsin leads Michigan. Time for Rodriguez to make his public apology and move back into his vacant Cheat Lake estate.

(1:22 PM):
Would we please quit putting Noel up the middle on 1st down? Seriously?

(1:26 PM):
That Anderson guy should get thrown out of the game.

(1:27 PM):
(1/2) So let me get this straight, the play call on 3rd and 9 when you know they’re bringing heat is a pump fake then delay handoff to Noel!! Goo

(1:27 PM):
(2/2) it. He would have been lit up

(2:12 PM):
Louisville could raise all the money it would ever need for football by selling tux to Charlie Strong hang- cleaning 1 of the Churchill spires.

(2:13 PM):
The OL is consistent, if nothing else

(2:20 PM):
I know Hogan is the PR in the “safe” return, but otherwise, if no one can beat him out @ PR, how bad is everyone else?

(2:25 PM):
WTF is Hogan doing?? Catch a punt!!

(2:26 PM):
Is there really no other option than to continue to hand off to Noel.

(2:26 PM):
Stop running Noel up the middle!!! For the love!!

(2:28 PM):
Was that an instant replay? Uh…no…that was the same damn play!!! Newsflash…if it didn’t work 30 seconds probably won’t work now!!!!

(2:32 PM):
I wish I had been an offensive lineman at the collegiate level so I would be allowed to say how much ours seems to get routinely overwhelmed.

(2:33 PM):
Dave Johnson is a thief with as much money as he’s so undeservedly received over the past 3 years.

(2:34 PM):
I am a huge fan of playing for the tie up seven.

(2:42 PM):
Keith Tandy, hitman. Taking out the oppositions top WRs two wks in a row

(2:43 PM):
That was a bs interference call

(2:46 PM):
If “Yakety Sax” were to be remade for a contemporary WVU audience, it would have to be titled “Hogan Back to Receive.”

(2:48 PM):
An interesting thing going on right now. It’s called watch Bill Stewart and Dave Wannstedt not put away their opponents.

(2:49 PM):
Ahh, run to Noel on first down…for a change

(2:49 PM):
I wish I had been an offensive coordinator so I could say how sick and damned tired I am of Devine being run up the middle.

(2:58 PM):
Going for it on 4th w/ 5 min to go was right move for Strong…but dontcha have to punt to Hogan and take your chances?

(2:59 PM):
Bruce Irvin….YESSIR! WVU D, baby!!!

(3:00 PM):
Also, might Noel be getting beat out here? Sacrilege indeed, but still.

(3:01 PM):
Confession. I thought you were over-hyping irvin in camp. Now I think maybe you underestimated him.

(3:06 PM):
Are you serious? Did we just miss? OMG!

(3:06 PM):

(3:07 PM):
Tipped ball to Tandy. No wonder he missed that other INT, too easy

(3:07 PM):
Thank you, Lord for the DEFENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(3:07 PM):
Give Casteel a raise…or the head coaching job!!!!

(3:13 PM):
What does “Match the Mountains” mean? WTF??? Ugh…

(3:16 PM):
Stewart’s post game interview … He is pouting some bs about “match the mountains.”

(3:17 PM):
We clearly matched the mountains today. Sure, no one knows what the hell that means, but apparently it has something to do with having an awesome D.

(3:25 PM):
Apparently Alston’s legs only work late in the game. That’s the only reason I can figure for him not playing until then.

(3:25 PM):
Considering lville’s only td was off our fumble, guess it wasnt too bad.

(3:31 PM):
Did Gen. Sherman match the mountains? Or was that a torch? I’m lost.