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Can, or shall, Bill Stewart be decoded?

I must admit, what started as a public service is getting a little difficult. Maybe he’s just found the strike zone, but Bill Stewart’s press conferences have been open to various adjectives lately, but they’ve mostly flowed in a logical pattern.

I say mostly, otherwise I wouldn’t have done Decoding Bill Stewart the past few weeks. Yes, yes, his minglings with the media before and after games can be a little unusual, but I really do think that comes with the territory, especially after a game when that interaction is obviously and understandably shaped by the game. Plus, it’s not my business or interest to redirect his direction. I simply like to find a point I think he’s made and then covered up and, by and large, I think it’s been a fun and informative exercise.

That said, today’s press conference, which is the forum from which I’ve pulled all the coded quotes, was … hollow? Good questions, good answers and nothing too nonsensical or fuzzy. Then again, I could be wrong. Give it a look/listen and if you have a suggestion or a question, let me know. For now, that feature is on the shelf this week, but I can always reach it if you need it.