The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Bill Stewart speaks to the media at 1 p.m.

Follow along live, if you care, and let loose with your comments on what’s becoming a much-anticipated weekly event. Stewart’s press conferences seem to geterate as much email and blog comments as anything else these days and he rarely leaves the people wanting more.

Count yourselves lucky. He could have let a proxy do his work today.

“Here’s the deal,” Jenkins said. “If he’s 9-0 right now, then to most people he’s a god, right? Since we lost a couple of games, all of a sudden he can’t coach?

“What people don’t understand, because they don’t understand football, is that he is a good coach. And we have a good team. Yes, we lost those two games and that is on us because we were prepared and we didn’t do the job.”

He’s seen the message boards and the Parkersburg native is unimpressed.

“Really, I question if anybody sitting at a computer, probably eating doughnuts, was man enough to play the game, to come out and coach the game. They never put their name out there, so would they have the guts to put their name on the back of a jersey and play the game? You really should make sure that you know what you are talking about, you should understand the game, before you start putting stuff on message boards.”