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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback which is tied for second in the Big East now. Last night was a good night for everyone in the Big East exept Pitt and the actual Big East. UConn’s victory — or is it Pitt’s loss? — brought the conference race back into play.

The Panthers have one loss in Big East play and everyone else has at least two and now USF, WVU and Cincinnati can suddenly take control. Each has a game left against the Panthers, thus can deal them their second loss and win the head-to-head tie-breaker should Pitt and one of those three end up as the only, say, 5-2 teams in Big East play. The tie-breakers when three or more teams are involved get more complicated — there are mini-leagues and BCS rankings to consider — but the point is this is all very fluid right now.

And Sunday morning, either WVU or Cincinnati will wake up with a chance to win this thing. Big weekend at WVU with volleyball, women’s soccer in the NCAA Tournament, women’s basketball and men’s basketball as well as that suddenly significant football game that may or may not feature a little more of the option

Onto the Feedback. As always, comment appear as posted. In other words, get some rest.

 Jeff in Akron said:

This from ESPN, “The previous Michigan record for total points wasn’t nearly as dramatic, beating West Virginia 130-0 in 1904″.

Apparently, Michigan has been abusing WVU for over 100 years, who new?

P-Rod was also quoted as saying, “It has been a good week for Michigan football”. Apparently, the NCAA adding a year of probation and his defense giving up 65 points in a game is a good week.

It makes you wonder what P-Rod considers a bad week, or even a mediocre week.

Give it time.

roopoo said:

Beatty supposedly orchestrates our redzone offense, which is terrible and should be cause enough for people to think twice before giving Beatty a pass. People point to recruiting as his strong point…but there aren’t very many kids contributing to this team that CB recruited, actually his recruiting is marred by the fact that most of the kids can’t qualify or leave the program in short order. This could have to do with the region he recruits, but I wouldn’t say his recruiting record is ’stellar’ in any sense of the word.

Beatty helps Mullen_ put together a package of plays that should work in the “score zone” for each game. And, no, it hasn’t been very effective this season. As for recruiting, Beatty knows the Tidewater area …

roopoo said:

He did get Tavon, Trey Johnson and Quentin Spain…but was also the lead recruiter for Tajh Boyd, Logan Heastie, Deon Long, and Marquis Wallace. Tavon makes an impact, very few of his other recruits…to this point do. There could be a variety of reasons for that…position depth, players in front of them etc, but I am just pointing out that CB shouldn’t be getting a free pass as Bill said, and for those clamoring for him to be given a shot at head coach, the redzone ineffectiveness and struggles at times recruiting should give them pause.

Plus, being an effective recruiter doesn’t always equal a successful head coach…ask New Mexico about that.


Chris said:

In the mind of most WVU fans, Alums, and boosters the 2010 football season is lost. The program’s goals were made very clear to us in early fall — win 10 games & the Big East title. While not completely out of reach they do seem to be almost unthinkable considering what we’ve seen in the past two games. The season is on the brink of failure and Stew’s fate as head coach hangs in the balance.

Stew has never been the popular choice and face criticism from day 1. He was protected by the Governor and the A.D., but both are gone now. The only thing keeping Stew in the job now is a contract that runs through the 2013 season and a $2.5 buyout. Stew seems safe no matter the outcome of the remaining regular season games, but is he?

If we gather all the evidence it might seem that Stew is on his way out. Let’s examine the factors that Luck must be considering.

1. Disenfranchised boosters, fan base. The money people are not happy. Donors are the lifeblood of the WVU program and rumor has it that boosters are threatening to use their wallets to force Luck to consider change.

2. Damaged national reputation. Losing Rod hurt WVU’s image and most assumed we would fall back. Stew’s short tenure as HC has done nothing to prove the detractors wrong, in fact he has given them even more ammo. This hurts our attractiveness to the ACC and SEC and makes it less likely that we appear on national TV.

3. Lack of progress. As much as I like Stew the WVU seems to have regressed instead of improved.

4. The local media are now questioning Stew’s role in the program. WV media is usually just a cheerleader for the program and when they cheerleaders start sowing doubt its time to stop and think just how secure Stew’s job is going forward.

5. The questionable manner in which Stew obtained the job. Add this to Luck’s desire to have his own man at the helm.

Considering all the above I think the only way Stew remains HC at WVU is for WVU to win the remaining four games plus the bowl. Rumors are already swirling that donors are offering up the cash to buy Stew out and make a competitive offer to “Home Run” hc candidates.

it must be difficult for you as a beat writer to cover the story-behind-the-story but right now WVU fans care more about the direction of the program and a new HC search. So how about a story detailing Stew’s future and possible candidates?

1. In your opinion would any of the Bowden’s be a viable candidate? Much talk about Terry’s chances of getting approved by the BoG. Don’t you think that if Ollie recommended a new HC the BoG would approve it?
2. Will Ollie rely on the ole WVU connection to find candidates? Let’s play 6 degrees of separation here…
3. Will Stew step aside or be fired if WVU goes 2-2 down the stretch?
4. We want to know what you are hearing.

Thanks for the great coverage.

First, welcome to the party and thanks for the contribution here. I agree with your five assessments … but I’ll debate you a little on No. 4. As for my job, it’s not difficult. That story behind the story is very much my job and my interest. That said, it’s not my position to define Stewart’s future and speculate about replacement possibilities. That’s a columnist’s duty, not a beat writer’s. With regard to your final four points, all I can say is the A.D. and president will work in concert to make a decision when the time comes. The BoG doesn’t hire anyone. Does it have influence? Absolutely. They’re not the last line in the process, though. It’s Luck’s search, whenever that time comes, and I don’t think he’s going to swing and miss.   

Jeff in Akron said:

During the run from 2005-07 I could go to the local Dick’s Sporting Goods and purchase whatever WVU item I wanted to purchase. Now I must order those same items online.

About a year ago I went to the local Dick’s to purchase a new hat. Dick’s no longer carried WVU merchandise. I asked to talk to the manager and after a short wait he appeared. In essence, I was informed that his store would no longer carry WVU items, and I quote, “This is Ohio, maybe you would like an Ohio State hat?” Ultimately, I was asked to leave the store. Not because I had made a “Springer” scene, but because I asked for the number to the home office. This is a much longer story but I’ll stop here, you get my point.

Ohio State, Penn State and Michigan along with most B-Ten school’s items are easily found, I live in a Big Ten region. So too Notre Dame, USC, Florida State, Florida, etc. are also easily found. The one school that gets me is Pitt, their items have a prominent place in the merchandising. Pitt is the only Big East school with a prominent display. Although, I have been told that the store now carries 2/3 WVU hats.

As I look back now, perhaps that merchandising philosophy speaks volumes to the future of Oll Stew.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, good points. I’m still stuck on you being asked to leave the store. Are you banned from going back? Did you sign anything? Were authorities called? Could you go to a Dick’s in, say, Toledo? I need more information.

KMS said:

I’m quite sure that Oliver Luck knows what he is doing and it is highly doubtful that any decision that he makes will be swayed by what Mr. Skolny decides to print on a t-shirt and sell to a frustrated fan base. At least you called yourself out sir, this is simply for personal gain and is in no way indicative of a true Mountaineer fan. I sincerely hope that you lose a whole lot of money in the process.

But how do you truly feel? And, in all honesty, what Mr. Skolny prints is one thing. What people do with those T-shirts is another. Mr. Skolny cannot independently get Stewart fired. He can contribute to generate a movement that makes it happen. It’d be naive to assume Mr. Luck does not or would not notice this news this week. At the very minimum, Mr. Skolny has succeeded in that aspect. But, yes, let’s be honest: He made a dollar.

Parks said:

After talking to people in Morgantown (and around WV for that matter) and reading some comments on here, I am sad to say that this idiot will make a boat load of money. It’s like selling Mickey hats at Disney World. There are enough people ready to get rid of Stew and Co. that they will see this as a way to voice their opinion to Ollie. Whatever happens with this season and this staff, you can count me as one that will NEVER pull against the Mountaineers. Whether or not it’s time for a complete change is up to someone with a whole lot more power and pull than myself or most on here.

So you’d go with the “villain” option? And would you have worn my Eu Smith T-shirt?

Simple Jack said:

Hero. Who cares if he makes money? Isn’t that what drives the economy? And he gives a voice to the thousands of of Mountaineer fans who want their happiness restored, i.e. Stew fired. I don’t care if it’s too blunt. Stew has been too blunt in his fumbling of the program. Also, student e-mail addresses aren’t private.

Hard to argue with any of that.

SheiYbuti said:

If I were Sun Stew, I’d buy Mr. Skolny’s entire stock of T-shirts, then pass them out to his football team to wear under their uniforms the rest of the season. I’d follow up with the MAC to monitor whether it receives the promised 25%, and if not, I’d call my auditor buddy in the IRS.

I’d love to see this show of solidarity. That would make a statement to Mr. Luck.

glibglub said:

Insufficient info. Does Skolny have a moustache? If so, regular or handlebar? If handlebar, does he twirl it whilst snickering? Does he live near railroad tracks? If so, are there any helpless maidens tied thereto?

Ah! I’ve read four different stories about Mr. Skolny and not one answered any of these questions.

ccteam said:

The whole Stew thing turned really ugly right after SunStew was unveiled. The concept was great, but WV’s and Stew’s fortunes have taken a drastic turn for the worse. I hate to say it, but maybe the karmic consequences of SunStew are to leave nothing but a stunned Stew.

Casazza: Hero or villain?

Bill said:

These look bad ass.

Question: how much rioting happens in Morgantown if we lose this weekend? Not trying to be negative…its a legit question. While I feel we should win, and will win, I hope for our program’s sake its not another disappointing day.

The Pro Combat helmets are the bad asses, to be clear. I say zero rioting. The town has a case of the “Ehs” I’ve never seen. I sense people respect Cincinnati more than Syracuse and UConn, too.

Wayne said:

This should be a wonderful test of the new system. BTW, the WVU Faculty Senate is looking into the new parking policy per the DA.

That story is getting interesting.

The Artist Formerly Known as EER 96 said:

Any truth to the rumor that Oliver Luck was quoted as saying, “Ask me about a parking garage, ask me about a parking garage!”?

Ask me about one-year anniversaries.

Simple Jack said:

If my ears weren’t deceiving me, Matt Wells said on the radio that there are 354 parking spaces. 354 spaces * $20 per spot * 16 home games = $113,280 in additional revenue for the year. Certainly nothing to shake a stick at, but is it worth causing all the problems that it is going to cause? Students will have a difficult time attending class. Olympic sport athletes will have a difficult time going to their facilities. The obvious additional traffic problems it will cause. People wanting to attend just a soccer game or a volleyball game are in trouble. It just seems like it is going to be a major headache to close down the entire lot for almost 24 hours at a time. How about a little foresight and selling the spaces before the season, or at lease the game? That way they wouldn’t have to shut down the lot for so long and there wouldn’t have to be a slow monetary exchange as each car enters the lot. I’m disappointed the new administration allowed this kind of rinky-dink operation to go forward.

I don’t have any parking issues. I take a short route to the games and I get there really early and my spot is reserved. I have a hard time wrapping my head around all of this … so I ask around. And I haven’t talked to one person who is OK with this. Even if they’re not affected, they’re worried or disappointed or just confused. I have to see how it goes. All I know is it’s very strange.

Parks said:

Ever hear that things get worse before they get better? Don’t think for one minute that our new AD and President will continue the former regime’s operations. Morgantown is a mess anyways after games. Give them a few years to get the money together and see what they get done.


Josh24601 said:

In re footnote #12: poor Geno. Despite his talent and intelligence, his coaches have no idea what they want him to be.

I thought it was pretty clear: Maj. Marc Luckstetler.

KMS said:

That 4th paragraph reminds me of the “I love lamp” scene in Anchorman. Coach, are you just naming great WVU quarterbacks and saying the Eu could be like them?

“I love Lewis. I love Lewis.” 

hershy112 said:

In the second paragraph, Stew said “this offense” 3 times. That doesn’t sound like a head coach that is going to show his OC the door at season’s end. I definitely feel like he went on the attack before anything could even be said about it, but then again, I don’t know what all happened in the press conference before this question.

“If I go and put in the wishbone, I don’t think he’d have as bright a future.”

– This is all I’ve heard people saying the past 2 weeks….”PUT IN THE WISHBONE! PUT IN THE WISHBONE!”


The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:


Anything on Cottrill? The rumors are pretty rampant that he may likely never see the court in a WVU uniform. Anything else you can add?

Nope. Still enrolled. Wasn’t arrested. Wasn’t suspended for violating team rules. Just a kid with issues he has to fix. And I don’t think tomorrow is necessarily guaranteed for him at WVU.

hershy112 said:


Not to get in too deep with Cottrill, but is Huggs looking at anyone else for 2011 at the guard position in case Cottrill’s scholarship comes available? This seems like a situation of “until Cottrill is gone, we won’t speculate”, but I would have to think that Huggs has something in his back pocket. Anything you can say?

I’m sure there are contingencies in place. Did they, for example, accidentally get a pledge from Boatright? Then again, even if Noah sticks, WVU would have two point guards on the roster in  2012 — Noah and Hinds. That’s not enough.

Bill said:

I think Billy was just playing (extra) dumb to downplay it….just like everything else. He HAS to know that he and his staff are not held in high regard right now, and he has acknowledged the same many, many times this year. If he knows that, then why should he be surprised that the message boards are talking about it? To question that its on the internet and then ask about “that message boards” just doesn’t make sense to me.

Defense mechanism. If he said he was attuned to the criticism and frequented one message board that would invite a whole heap of trouble he need not mess with right now.

Homer said:

Don’t be naive. There are many people gainfully employed in the service of keeping him informed of public opinion. His denial would only have rung more hollow if he had referred to Bookface and the Interwebs.

Yeah, left out of the discussion was a later admission that he has people who read the Web and relay information to him. They get on blogs and newspapers and read and report. Common practice.

hershy112 said:

So I take it he has a pad and pen that he writes comments on and his assistant types it into Twitter for his “mini-blog” right?

Actually, that’s pretty much the way it goes.

Sam said:

How about doing the only thing that’s worked all season: the hurry-up? Is that so difficult? When will those lightbulbs go off? Run the damned hurry-up the entire game, and accept the fact that we still might lose, but at least we’d do so running our most effective offense.

*punches something*

This, in particular, is a problem I have with 2010. It baffles me that as soon as it works — and it does … we’ve known this for a long time now — WVU sprains an ankle getting away from it.

rekterx said:

Here is my problem.

As one who had been willing to give Stew the benefit of the doubt, and now has no doubt about the need for a change, I am amazed that every few days my indifference toward the present football program only grows more and more.

I don’t listen to Stew’s interviews and at this point I only glance through articles that parse his interviews. But I do read Mike’s blog. And that Stew tells us 2.5 years into this thing that light bulbs are going off only makes me shrug my shoulders more and more.

We could come out like gang busters against Cincy. But here is my question. Let’s say we make some productive changes in our offense. But let’s say another team figures out how to counter those changes. Sometimes teams even make adjustments during games, you know? Will it take Stew another 2.5 years to make counter adjustments?

This situation, in my opinion, is just going from bad to worse.

Did you ever see the movie, “Ernest Goes to Camp”? Do you remember the camp cook and his assistant? They were constantly working on a break through recipe for something called Eggs Erroneous. The quest for Eggs Erroneous is how I now see our offense.

Eggs Erroneous! I’ll leave this on its own.

Rob W. said:

So if Stewart beat Stewart in the Blue-Gold spring game is there any chance that?……

Enjoy the weekend! Please?