The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Your live chat is 2 p.m. tomorrow

Be there. Or drop questions in the comments here or in the queue, which is open now.

Bill Stewart will not be following along, though, because the chat will be on the Internet and he does not know much about this Internet.

Hertzel asked: “There seems to be an awful lot of interest these days on the Internet about your job security and future. Do you pay any attention to that?”

And Stew responded: “It is on the Internet? Are you talking about that message boards or what?”
Stewart paused for a moment and then continued.
“I don’t blog, I don’t know that,” he said. “If I don’t know it, it certainly hasn’t bothered me. I just don’t have that much time to give to that. I have no comment because I really don’t know what you are saying. I am sure there are a lot of things being said. That’s the right of Americans. We have the right to our opinion.”