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Making cents of Stewart’s future

(Not a typo!)

By now you can lay out or recite just about any practical argument or arrangement for keeping or jettisoning Bill Stewart in just a few weeks. And by now the hope is everyone realizes the decision involves more than wins and losses, public disposition or even the way Stewart “spins” to defend himself, his program and his progress.

And really, it’s not so much about Stewart as it is about his boss and the people who enable Oliver Luck’s job. There is a wide-ranging financial component to all this and it’s interesting to think about and explore, particularly in its fluid state as the season progresses.

Luck has a lot to consider. Maybe he wants his “own guy.” If he’s a bottom line guy, then here’s something he’ll consider:

According to filings with the U.S. Department of Education last month, for the 2009-10 school year, West Virginia’s football revenue for 2009 was $29.47 million. That’s about $10 million more than six other Big East programs, and $7 million more than Pitt.

Of the Mountaineers’ total revenue 2009-10 of $62.03 million, football provided 47.5 percent of that (men’s basketball 21.5 percent).

Watch Stewart if you want, but I think the guy to focus on is Luck. His call is bigger than any that Stewart and his staff might make in the next month.