The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Time for your evaluation

Everyone has chimed in on the press conference and Oll Stewart’s total self-evaluation of the program. It’s a pretty heavy topic, though, and I wonder if it’s been all-inclusive.

Stewart, as an example, listed just three items that need fixed on offense and defense — and not special teams. He may very well have left it at three or, just as easily, mentioned the top three of five or six he discovered. I’m not sure.

And, again, I didn’t come away with a lot of solutions that’ll be applied to the problems apart from practice and hard work and doing a lot of things the team already does.

So here’s my idea … and it presumes you weren’t satisfied by the thoroughness. Come up with your … three to five total neon signs on offense and defense. By that, I mean the things that are screaming for attention. This is your evaluation.

If it’s something that has stood out to you for a while, let’s hear it. If you believe you have a solution, to either your issue or someone else’s, let’s hear it. If you can expound on yesterday’s issues and explanations, let’s hear that, too.

Example: You’re not at all happy with the red zone and you suspect it’s play calling. You think it might not be a good idea to call a trap play at the 1-yard line when the defense is gunning up the middle, hits the pulling right guard, who bumps into the reeling left guard and they knock the back off track as he loses a fumble.

Or maybe you just don’t like the plan in the red zone and leave it at that. That’s fine. Others may add color as they come and go.

In short, what are your issues? If you have ideas, how might you fix them? If you see the issue of another commentor and feel compelled, how might you fix it. If pulled from yesterday’s press conference, how might you fix it?

Doesn’t have to be deep or Xs and Os, but let’s avoid the shallow end of the discussion with “Fire X.”

Aaaaand go!