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Texts from Syracuse Game Day

The texts, as you’ll eventually see, say it all, but Bill Stewart had his regular day-after conference call Sunday and it was … well, it was pretty revealing. He said it all, too.

A day after almost no one spoke in the press game press conference, the queries were flying Sunday and Stewart, who, it must be said, addressed everything in an appropriate manner Saturday, was more of the same Sunday. There were tough questions — is the offense spread too thin, is it actually good at anything, were in-game adjustments present and/or effectice, so on an so forth — that  had to be asked and, of course, answered.

Among admissions and admonishments:

– The referees were right to take away Keith Tandy’s interception for pass interference, but wrong to single out J.T. Thomas. “They gave the wrong number. The call was a good call on Keith Tandy.” (Stewart wasn’t clear on this after the game — a blur, I’m sure, with all that was going through his head — and said he wasn’t sure what J.T. had done and that he’d have to see the play to agree or disagree.) In the next breath Sunday, Stewart, without prompting said, “On our first interception, the exact same thing happened to Jock Sanders and it was a no-call.”

– “I think we were beaten between the ears, from the shoulders up. That’s as factual as I can be.”

– “I know (the Mountaineers) were not nearly as impressed with Syracuse before the game as they were after the game.”

– “We may run a little more in the offense.” 

– “I’m not in any kind of panic mode whatsoever.”

– Stewart twice turned back questions about Syracuse’s success running the ball and eventually said, “They’re big, strong guys. Like I tried to tell people, they have two good running backs and that was kind of evident yesterday.”

Other things were evident, too.

– Syracuse completed five passes and had twice as many incomplete passes.

– Syracuse lost its starting running back in the first half.

– Syracuse had 12 first downs and was behind in total yards and time of possession.

– Syracuse had no touchdowns in four red zone possessions.

– The one touchdown — a 29-yard job against Keith Tandy — accounted for nearly half of the 62 passing yards.

In short, Syracuse didn’t have to do a whole lot to end an eight-game losing streak in the series and win on the road against a ranked team that hadn’t lost at home in almost two years. Kudos to the Orange, who played a very smart game, but that says more about WVU than the Orange.

This is perhaps insignificant in the broad view, but I think it matters a whole lot. There were concrete statements by Stewart and the Mountaineers they were not prepared and/or didn’t take the challenge as seriously as they needed. After the game, a Syracuse staffer waited outside the locker room and  said, “I’m not going back in there until I get the trophy.” Several minutes later, we were allwoed into WVU’s postgame interview area and the wait for Stewart was interrupted by a roar from the Syracuse locker room. The Schwartzwalder Trophy was in their presence.

A lot of people thought WVU could win out, or lose just once in conference, and, frankly, I could understand the optimism, but not the basis.

The offense cannot yet be trusted to get out of its way and it would appear defenses can throw up a road block for which WVU has no detour.

So you might want to go back to the lab tonight and, um, scribble out them rhymes you were going to spit and start over from scratch and text new ones …
My edits are in [brackets].
(11:55 AM):
Um. Whats with the random guy on the firld
(11:56 AM):
Wtf is up with the dude taking a nap @ midfield?
(11:57 AM):
(1/2) Im so glad we have all of wv’s finest on hand to keep everyone safe. That streaker was on the fiel dfor 5 minutes, laid doan and waited on
(11:57 AM):
(2/2) Band members stepped on him when they shifted the state formation!!
(12:07 PM):
I absolutely love the fact that the largest Media Market in the state is so hamstrung by its Big East TV contract that’s carrying Rutgers vs. Eat [It] Pi
(12:07 PM):
tt and not the Mountaineers.
(12:11 PM):
(12:19 PM):
Eugene is good
(12:19 PM):
Back line of the end zone… Open every time.
(12:26 PM):
Guy behind me in a disgusted voice: “ahhhh, I hate Keith Tandy.”
(12:35 PM):
Doug Marrone does not much care for your play fakes to Ryan Clarke
(12:38 PM):
Brian Griese + Morgantown + Noon Game…someone at ESPN has a sense of humor
(12:39 PM):
Why I do imagine the fact that Syracuse is playing way over their heads so far is causing large numbers of people to go on suicide watch?
(12:55 PM):
Good to see Glover wearing 4 and playin just like addae too
(12:56 PM):
ESPN just reported that Delone Carter is dinged. Thankfully for him he’s not tweaked
(1:03 PM):
We’re going to lose.
(1:04 PM):
Call the cops 4 identity theft….definitely not Geno out there
(1:15 PM):
Thats huge. We’re gonna lose. Refs want us to.
(1:16 PM):
The Big East is going bore us to death and this is what we’re going to deal with all season long
(1:17 PM):
[Bad] call
(1:19 PM):
They either gave the wrong guy that penalty or threw a terrible flag. No way JT committed PI. We’ll need those points
(1:26 PM):
Will the offense ever stop the bleeding? Self-sabotage doesn’t win games.
(1:27 PM):
Just leave the D out there and have them switch jerseys.
(1:30 PM): I’m starting to get aggravated….
(1:39 PM):
Event staff just took my beer… I told him I’m winning 5-1.
(1:40 PM):
Whats scarier, the ineffectiveness of our offense, or the fact that Syracuse isn’t even playing particularly well?
(2:08 PM):
This is my first experience of CEJ for a football game. Hope its my last.
(2:13 PM):
Bad bad bad bad bad and slooooooow
(2:22 PM):
Pretty sure we couldnt tackle WVSU players right now.
(2:26 PM):
I enjoy seeing stew get mad
(2:27 PM):
I like that he punted here. Defense needs to be on the field again.
(2:29 PM):
Pretty bad when the 9 y.o. next to me claims its over.
(2:30 PM):
Don’t mind the punt, but it screams for second guessing after we lose
(2:36 PM):
What the [heck] was that? “you returm it … ” … “no, my man. You take it.”
(2:39 PM):
I can’t recall, did Sun Stew say anything about setting their alarms early this week?
(2:40 PM):
Hey WVU fans, you don’t do the wave when you’re losing!!
(2:40 PM):
You get 30 yds for nothing. If you dont score here, im going home.
(2:41 PM):
Just boycotted the wave
(2:41 PM):
The wave? WVU just went midmajor
(2:43 PM):
Um….what’s up with the student section?
(2:44 PM):
Where is the O line? Have they been here all season?
(2:47 PM):
We are shooting for that 20th point as time expires.
(2:49 PM):
Anyone tell our guys that Greg Robinson is not the coach of SU anymore?
(2:50 PM):
Chip Fontanazza says Bill Stewart is not a member of the Lombardi family.
(2:55 PM):
Gotta love the community involvement. I mean, it was really nice of them to let the suncrest middle school football team wear their uniforms and play this game.
(2:57 PM):
Marrone is like Rick Pitino. Always out on the [playing] field/court
(3:00 PM):
Now seems like a good time to assemble excuses for the press conference
(3:01 PM):
Does jeff mullen know its the 4th quarter?
(3:03 PM):
Throw the ball downfield!!
(3:05 PM):
Oh Lord…this is bad for my soul!!!!!!
(3:08 PM):
We need a miracle!
(3:09 PM):
Santa. O-line. Please.
(3:10 PM):
Wtf is geno doing?
(3:10 PM):
Geno, Noel, Jock, Tavon… 14 points. I hope Mullen has his resume ready.
(3:10 PM):
Pathetic. Genuinely embarrassing.
(3:11 PM):
Well, Jock was right. 21 would’ve won the game. Shame we can’t get it against a team Pitt hung 40 on–of course they threw the ball downfield
(3:11 PM):
(3:11 PM):
(3:11 PM):
Please tell me this gets this [frustrating] idiot fired
(3:12 PM):
The worst part about this for me isn’t the loss but having to listen to everyone I know [whine] and moan about. It’s a game. They lost. Life will continue on.
(3:14 PM):
Has a team ever had to do less to defeat a top 20 team at home?
(3:14 PM):
If the “option” is the only option there is no option. Hasnt mullen figured out ppl figured him out?
(3:15 PM):
Poor support from the student section today. Perhaps take away a section of free seats and let some paying fans see the game. They will show up
(3:22 PM):
No one scored in the 2nd half. Unbelievable
(3:57 PM):
Out here in the parking lot. In 5 mins have seen more downfield passes by guys wearing blue and gold than I did the past 3.5 hrs
(3:58 PM):
Smartest, simples most accurate thing said or written about WVU = offense cant get out of its way. Take a bow, Mike Casazza!
(4:00 PM):
Bring on Mike Leach.
(4:14 PM):
No way you play like that without serious leadership problems. At no point did anyone do anything to right wrongs. That’s entirely and obviously upon coaching.
(4:14 PM):
Just very clear the team wasn’t prepared tocompete and the coaches to adjust. You don’t include any names with the texts right?
(4:27 PM):
Defended the man as much as I can. Ollie is gonna pull the trigger