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Topic for the 2 p.m. live chat tomorrow

The weekly WVU sports chat returns to its normal date and time this week: 2 p.m. tomorrow. Here’s your link and here is your invitation to drop questions in the queue or simply ask away in the comments section.

Possible talking point? Much was made of WVU’s odd habit of breaking NCAA rules, but are they guilty of not breaking enough?

“The most surprising thing I’ve learned about intercollegiate athletics and the NCAA,” Luck said, “is that the NCAA expects an institution like ours, a Division I football school, BCS conference school, automatic qualifier I guess is the proper term … the NCAA expects 15, 20, 25 self-reported violations a year.

“That’s an indication that you’re a healthy program, because it means you’re actively talking to your coaches, discovering things, and it’s almost impossible for a coach not to violate some of those many secondary rules (in the NCAA Manual).

“I was surprised by that, but it’s an indication to the NCAA that you have an active compliance staff, that the administration, school president, the athletic director is encouraging compliance, that you’re talking to coaches because that’s how you uncover that maybe a coach sent a text message to a prospect on the wrong day.

“That was really surprising to me, but when you think about it, most schools, like ours, report secondary violations, and there’s no damage to the school’s credibility or reputation because that’s actually a sign of health in a topsy-turvy sort of Alice-in-Wonderland world.”