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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which sits back and lets the pieces fall into place this weekend.

West Virginia did its part last night with a sufficient victory against USF — not your father’s USF, I must say — and when everyone wakes up Sunday morning the picutre, just two weekends into the Big East season, might have some color.

Cincinnati is at Louisville tonight in a game I’ll be keeping an eye on on ESPN. Is Cincinnati the second horse in the race? Is Loisville the darkhorse? Is the Bearcats’ OL no longer a turnstyle? Is the Cardinals’ offense legit? Then tomorrow you have Pitt at Syracuse. Will the Panthers leave the dome a .500 club or at 2-4 with a loss in the Big East opener? Can the Orange — the Orange! — possibly start 5-1? And then what might be if WVU and Syracuse are both 5-1 on ESPN2 next week? Ben Schwartzwalder would be proud!

Things just might take shape, at least preliminarily, in a hurry. And for WVU’s concern, there is no better defense in the Big East. This year, without a truly frightening offense that might force the Mountaineers to engage in a shootout, that looks like the ultimate weapon. To that, the Mountaineers absolutely saw this coming.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, watch what you say.  

Karl said:

Very interesting results in the Big East this week. Who saw Syracuse winning a road game at South Florida? And Louisville beating Memphis 56-0? I know Memphis is terrible, but considering how the past few seasons went, Louisville scoring 56 on or shutting out anyone is news. For the league’s sake, it’s great to see these two programs playing competitive football again.

Indeed and I think Syracuse’s was more shocking. Yeah, 56 points is a lot — and for a first-year coach, no less — and Louisville hasn’t been confused with a juggernaut on either side of the ball in the past few seasons, but the Cardinals had actually played a very decent schedule, including at Arkansas State. Syracuse’s schedule was very weak and a game on the road at USF, a team it’d never beaten and rarely been competitive with, seemed like a sure loss. Defense and running did the trick, so much so that Bill Stewart was in his office at 6:30 a.m. Thursday going over the Syracuse-USF game one last time to take from it whatever he could. Speaks a lot about what’s going on, I think. 

JutYourJaw said: 

Mickey Furfari, through his steady and honest bookie, is betting that “our No. 8″ has gotten faster in the past year.

Not sure about the stopwatch, but the stats and the film say he’s better. Everyone will talk about the interception — on another tipped pass — but he had 10 tackles last night. Normally, that’s a bad sign. Either the CB is getting worked or the opponent is running into the secondary frequently. The Bulls decided to pick on Tandy in the second half — I would have loved to witness that halftime discussion — and he responded pretty well. I can only think of one bad play and he might have slipped on the turf on that 15-yard gain.  

notruB said: 

Somewhere, everyday, Perlo Bastien thanks the good lord for Keith Tandy.

Not true, notruB!  

WVmaniac said:

All I have to say is “Lewis freaking Daniels”…..

Wait … you’re telling me they weren’t saying Lew?

rekterx said:

I remember when winning the Lambert Trophy actually meant something.

Wait … you’re telling me I’m voting for an irrelevant prize? I thought that’s what the AP poll voters. 

ccteam said:

Lambert Trophy ingredient list for 2010-Take one down year for the Big East and mix in a sprinkling of worse teams from other conferences. Add a dash of services academies. Put a clothes pin on your noise and stir.  

… still taking my duty seriously.  

SheikYbuti said: 


On a neutral field, I suppose the oddsmakers would still favor Penn State over any of the rest, with Pitt probably within 2-4 points and Navy within perhaps a touchdown. USF, UConn, and Cincinnati might be within 10 of PSU, with BC, Louisville, Rutgers, Syracuse, and Temple all in a large cluster of mediocrity between 10.5 and 14. Army and Buffalo don’t rate to be as competitive as the rest.

Your mistake is dismissing Army so quickly. Believe it or not, it’s a pretty competitive club on offense and defense and it’s played a good schedule. Let’s see what happens at Rutgers Saturday.

SheikYbuti said:

Well, the Black Knights of the Hudson are 3-0 on the road, albeit over 3 of the very worst teams in the FBS. They did lose at home by a touchdown to Temple, however, which causes me to think that the Lambert Trophy voters have pretty much lost their collective minds. Maybe it’s a protest vote against the demonstrably poor field, rather than an endorsement of the Cadets.

Navy will beat them by at least 2 TDs.

Burn! Agreed on EMU being at and belonging at the bottom, but not even Pete Gillen would say Duke is Duke and Tulane was better than Rutgers for a day. Temple gave Penn State fits, too. That’s it … I’m an Army fan. No shame in that.

roopoo said:

Sheik, that’s the sad part, Penn State isn’t even very good. They aren’t very good on either side of the ball. Which is fine by me because all the Penn State diehards around here have already gone into hibernation.

You almost have to ask who has surprised you the most this year in a good way, and I would say Syracuse has to be at the top of that list. Regardless of who they have played, that seems to be a much better team than even the improved version from last year.

I’m sure the Orange are improved. I’m not sure they’re No. 2. Either way, I’m glad we’re having thoughtful Lambert discourse here. The ECAC should be skipping to my lou.

Country Roads said:

Most of the bowl projections I’ve seen have WVU playing Nebraska in the Fiesta Bowl. Now, I’m not sure what the selection order is this year for BCS bowls, but if WVU were to represent the Big East, I’d have to think we would be a mildly attractive candidate given our reputation for traveling well. That being said, I could handle a rematch with FSU or a grudge match against VT in the Orange Bowl.

Also, Since 2004, the Big East has played teams from the following conferences in the BCS bowl: Mountaint West, SEC, ACC, Big XII, ACC, SEC.

Yeah, the Fiesta Bowl has the last pick this year and I’m not entirely sure WVU fans would make that trip with such exuberance again. The Sugar Bowl picks first to pair someone with the SEC champ/representative. Then it’s the Orange for an opponent for the ACC champ. I doubt WVU goes that early.

Gordo said:

Mike, what are the chances that Brunetti moves on as well? Also, has he already burned his redshirt? 

First, yes, he has “burned” his redshirt and that’s not a bad thing. For one, he needs to be ready to play because, really, the major obstacle that could prevent WVU from winning the Big East is an Eu injury and getting nothing from the backup. I’d wager to say the staff would rather he’d played more thus far. Secondly, by playing this year, he still has the redshirt in case, you know, he transfers and has to sit a year. Say, hypothetically, of course, he leaves in the offseason and goes to Mississippi State. He’d sit out and resume in 2012 as a sophomore. And let’s be honest here: It has to be more likely he leaves than stays. I’m not predicting anything, but look at the situation and concince yourself he’s more likely to stay and compete and probably remain a backup for two more years than leave, sit one year and be a starter, or at least in  a better position to start, in 2012. Brunetti was a far, far more decorated prep player than was Jarrett Brown, too. When transferring was a possibility, JB was looking at Florida A&M and school at that level. Brunetti could transfer to a FBS school in a BCS conference. 

rekterx said: 

Well played Stew!

I’m glad to sense a bit lightheartedness in our coach. Now let’s go win the Big East!

Don’t look now, but Bill Stewart has been Cliff Lee this month. Verbally painting the corners and keeping everyone off balance.

Josh24601 said:

Stats don’t lie. People cite the wrong stats.

Show me that stat.  

The 25314 said:

Figures don’t lie but liars can figure so if a liar is figuring you can figure he’s lying.


Parks said:

I am convinced that we could win every game the rest of the season, including a BCS game, and some people would complain about the color of Stew’s shoes he wore. Until we look like a truly declining team, people (not all, just a few that have made their way in) should go home, eat dinner and then thank the lucky stars that we have a head coach that is winning games, keeping us ranked and so far looks to be the class of the Big East (down year, or not).

Sounds good and all, but it’ll never catch on here. People think they should compete for the national title every year.

Josh24601 said:

Sun Stew!!!!!!!

Maybe tweak the spelling to Sun Tztew to clarify the reference — although for Casazza-blog purposes, perhaps clarifying it is counter-productive — but…just wow.

Sun Stew it is. I’d like to say this was the product of careful planning, but it was not. Didn’t think twice about “Sun Stew” before or after typing it. Never thought it’d get a response, let alone these responses. 

CST1981 said:  

I’ve never commented before because I never knew what to say but I have to say this. Decoding Bill Stewart is one of my favorite things ever and Sun Stew is why. Literally laughed out loud at work and had to explain my behavior, which was dangerous because killing time on company time is frowned upon. Everyone agreed Sun Stew was an exception. Brilliant.  

Thanks. Or you’re welcome. I don’t know. Your task now is to become a regular.   

Karl said:  

I’m with these guys, “Sun Stew” is tremendous! This has to catch on. Has to!  

I’ll do my part.  

Karl said: 

Stop, Mike. You’re making me love this guy, and I hate it! 

…ok…but I was trying to help it catch on. And again, I totally endorse Stewart’s style of speech. I like the references to 19th century opera and proclivity for military strategy and quotes. They’re so, so much better than tired cliches and coach-speak. More fun to listen to, write around and read. By and large, they’re applicable, too. I think people see this sort of stuff and think I — and others — attempt to ridicule or undermine him. Not the case.

glibglub said:

It’s when the straining is bookended with intestinal references that things get a bit uncomfortable for me. But I endorse the underlying message.   

Odd juxtaposition, I must admit. 

hershy112 said:  

I think we all need to take a moment on this blog to address something very serious…..

Is B.J. Daniels color blind?  

Kid was hitting defenders in stride.

thacker said:  

Offensively, this is a staff whose strategy is to do just enough to win. Good, bad or indifferent, there may be some advantages to that. One primary reason is that it may add confusion. A secondary reason is that it may not give an opponent downstream within the schedule a full view or ability to determine predictability.

While an LSU seems to be much of the same, they do not suffer from pollsters discounting them for lack of ’stlye points’ … due to historical performance, perception or otherwise.

Down the road, current perception of WVU may, again, shift as it did during the Rodriguez period. However, the next time around and when faced with another ‘Pitt’, predictability may not be a factor.  

Wonderful. Three seasons in three paragraphs. Lots of truth in there.  

SheikYbuti said:  

You just know — somehow, some way — WVU is going to end up in a bowl game this year or next against Utah.

Stop. Just stop. Please. 

the 25314 said: 

Um….the NCAA clearinghouse, or whatever it’s called now, has some ’splainin’ to do.  

Maybe not. There are different admission standards, different start dates for semesters and quarters, different majors. Basically, different ways for kids to gain admission. Look at Utah’s roster. Seems like a lot of players have found their way by finding their way to Utah. Could have simply been an issue he couldn’t work out with WVU that he worked out at Utah. Also, I’m told Tevita has friends and/or family on the Utah roster.  

hershy112 said:  

“…because no one knew of him until they saw a No. 97 on the field and had to scramble to figure out the identity of this enormous defensive end.”

We would have accepted Bigfoot or Sasquatch.  

If by “accepted” you mean “expected,” then yes.

Jeff in Akron said: 

So, does this mean that the next National Enquirer will have the headline, “Bigfoot Lives In Utah’?  

Also yes.

glibglub said:

Hawai’i to Utah is an easier trip anyway than is Hawai’i to Morgantown for Tevita’s preferred mode of transport, the winged unicorn.

But yeah, good for him. I hope it’s a good situation for him and that he makes the most of his opportunities. He certainly seems to be persistent enough.

Aside: I think Bruce Irvin has prevented a message board meltdown on this matter. 

Country Roads said: 

(9:17 PM):
No [forget] that. I’m tired of her [stuff] and youd be a [blatant] idiot to go. 

Am I the only one who is wondering what this is in reference to? 

Uh, you’re not alone. I’d love to know. Someone out there owes us an explanation. 

Simple Jack said: 

Tell me, Mike, if you didn’t know the teenage girls in the press box were gymnastic recruits, why were you taking a picture of them? 

I deserved that one, huh? Again, I didn’t know they were gymnasts. I saw a group of people I knew did not belong in the press box and was simply trying to take a picture to show how the press box has become Ellis Island at home games and is often overcrowded by people quite clearly not belonging to the press. All I saw was a bunch of kids and adults and all wearing gold and blue and WVU gear. I saw fans, not press. People know this is something I and others grumble about all the time. One person saw me take the picture and said, “Don’t put that on your blog.” This WVU person explained they were gymnastic recruits and publicizing their presence would be a NCAA violation. The person also pointed out the presence of a WVU compliance official traveling with the group of recruits. Good jab, though. I like it. 

The 25314 said: 

Any high school gymnast in the press box today, Chris Hansen? 

Not one. 

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said: 

Any truth to the rumor that Tevita is also teaching English classes in the evenings at Utah? I seem to remember that being his best subject (sarcasm). 

(Couldn’t tell)  

lowercase jeff said:  

artist –   

ill check eersports  

Enjoy the weekend!