The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Injury report

Bill Stewart in his Tuesday press conference:

“First of all, I’d like to say best wishes to one of your associates, Colin Dunlap, who had a minor surgical procedure this morning. It’s minor, very, very minor. We wish him the best and he said he’d be back in the saddle and on the mend by Thursday. Put him on Thursday’s injury report.”

Um, OK. Your Sept. 30 injury report:

West Virginia

OUT: Colin Dunlap, beat writer (back)

A source close to the recovery said Dunlap had a sebaceous cyst — benign, but infected — removed Tuesday morning. He’s been fitted with a Jackson-Pratt Drain and prescribed Vicodin. He did not work Tuesday and tried Wednesday before returning to the arena Thursday.

“Long story short, if there was a game this week, he’d be OUT; but because of the off week — and he’s a tough lad, tough as a mine mule — he is listed as PROBABLE for the UNLV game,” the source said. “His rehab (you can ask Dave Kerns if you like) consists of rest, rest, more rest, watching English Premier League soccer, playing Yakety Sax here and there and fielding questions on his own blog’s Q&A complaining about Bill Stewart.”